Do not give this company your money! They are huge liars. They make you believe that you are getting a great deal on insurance and charge you a $135 enrollment fee. Then they charge you a fairly expensive monthly fee (but less than other insurance companies charge). They were charging me $180 per month because I wanted to have maternity coverage. Since I did not go to the doctor very much, I barely used it. I had a $500 "deductible" per year, so I didn't think I was meeting the deductible when I went for a physical once a year.
One day, I had back flank pain, so I went to the doctor, and later, had a cat scan on my kidneys. Then I had to see a specialist twice and have another x-ray. I had about $5000 in medical bills. I gave the providers my "insurance", and thought all was well. A couple of months later, I began getting bills from all of the providers with the full amounts due. I called, and the hospital and doctor's offices said that they never heard anything from my insurance company, and that they never answered their phone or responded to mail. I started trying to call the company, left multiple messages, and had no luck. Finally, I canceled my "policy" online because no one would ever return my calls. Then, someone from the company called me. I missed the call.
Finally, one hospital got a letter from a company called Careington, and the hospital thought it was an agreement to pay. It was not. It was some other garbage. But, I called Careington, and the man from that company told me that Direct Med offers medical discounts. THEY DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING! He told me that they get hospitals to give people discounts and that the discounts bring the hospital business. What? So the hospital agrees to lose money? That is not what I was told when I purchased. I was told that this company offers insurance at a lower rate because they piggy-back people on policies for large companies such as GE or Kraft Foods.
Here is what I don't get, why didn't anyone ever tell any of my providers that they didn't pay insurance claims? The company either ignored my providers, or they gave them the run-around. Also, it was awfully funny that all my providers were on their list when I purchased, but then when I used my "coverage", I was out of network. Not "we are not insurance and we don't pay, " but "out of network". It was just one lie after another. Do not buy anything that says Direct Medical Network Solutions, Beech Street, or Careington! The Careington guy was most helpful, but any company that would affiliate itself with Direct Med or Beech Street is slime!