Direct TV

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Savannah, Missouri, United States

Direct TV Reviews

July 25, 2008
scam selling
I have a bundled service with AT&T for satellite (Dish Network). I got the service last year after I dropped cable. I recently had a reception problem on my TVs, and called the support line which was on a little sticker on the side of my Dish satellite box, placed there by the installer. I reached the support center, and explained my reception problem, and was transferred to another number and I thought I was talking to a support technician.

He assisted me getting the reception corrected, and asked me what kind of box I had and when I told him, he insisted that the box was obsolete and I needed to upgrade to a new box which would give me more channels and improve reception. He offered to send me out another box, dish, and I would pay $29 for the shipping. I agreed, believing he referred to DISH NETWORK. DUH! When the box arrived, I saw that it said Direct TV on the box.

A few days later UPS delivered a box while I wasn't home and when I saw it - it was a Direct TV box. Without opening it, I called Direct TV and of course, could get NO ONE on the phone. You can imagine how angry I was and called them repeatedly to ask why I got a Direct TV box but there was no answer. Finally I reached someone and had to fight with them for TWO days to get the whole thing cancelled. They claim that I agreed to contract with Direct TV and my contention was why in the world would I do that when I already had a contract with DISH???? And why would I risk being penalized for who knows how much money? Originally I was just calling about getting my reception corrected, how did that turn into my being switched from DISH to Direct TV?

I was literally screaming my head off to anyone, the manager, the technician, the supervisor over there at Direct TV. I think they are scammers, liars and frauds.

I called Direct TV back again today and was told that my so called 'account' with Direct TV would be cancelled and I need only to return the Direct TV box unopened. It sits in my living room and UPS is still not here to pick it up. There's another pain in you the know what. A delivery service that DOESN'T deliver! What else is new?
July 25, 2008
Fraud and scam
We've been a loyal customer of Direct TV going on 10 years. We've always paid our bills on time and used to recommend them to everyone. In the last several years their customer service has tanked and their prices continue to go up.

When we moved at the end of 2007, we used their move services. They stood us up for installation NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE, NOT THREE TIME, but 4 times!!! A manager had to get involved to finally get someone to show up. We took off of work each time to be home and lost time and money waiting until Direct TV decided they wanted to keep us as customers and could find time in their schedule. After each incident, a 'resolution specialist' promised us credits and limited time of free movie channels if we would just be patient and reschedule the move installation.

Each and every bill we've received for the last 9 months has been wrong. They've overcharged us and conveniently left off credits they promised. Each month it takes at least an hour talking with someone who really doesn't care if you stay as a customer or not to finally get the bill corrected. We've even been charged for services we didn't even ask for - the supervisor decided to just add on top of credits. Every month we were charged for these extras she through in and when the time was up on them we were charged a disconnect fee!

I called again today because we again did not have one of the credits listed on our bill and promised for 12 months. The first operator told me that I had received enough credits and should be satisfied. I asked to speak to a resolution specialist and was transferred. The resolution specialist told me that Direct TV would not honor prior commitments to me on discounts even though it is fully documented in their system.

After all these years of being a customer, I'm now ready to cancel. They don't care if they have your business or not and they will lie to you and tell you they'll give you something that either you have to fight to continue to get month after month or that they will just outright say that they've decided not to honor their word. Their customer service stinks, their billing is inaccurate, and they refuse to follow through on what they promise even when they know that they promised it and it was the basis for you continuing on as a customer at the time.
July 23, 2008
Horrid Company!
I started having problems with picture quality ("freezing" or no picture) about a month ago. I put in calls to DTV tech support to try to fix the problem. After several back and forth efforts, punching buttons, technical mumbo-jumbo I didnt understand and resets galore, they determined that they could not help me and would need a technician. When they mentioned a charge to come out I specifically said I did not want a person in my home if there was a charge associated. They did some "checking" and determined that no charge was needed. The technician came, blamed a tree that has been there the whole year I've had DTV (no problems before) and switched some cable in the back. The TV worked fine even though I didn't chop down the tree as was suggested.
I received my bill this month and saw a charge of $80 for the service call. I promptly phoned, expecting that they must have made an error, only to find out the true nature of DTV. The rep informed me that no one had noted on the account that there was not to be a charge and so there was nothing he could do. I was not allowed to speak to a supervisor, only told "he'll say the same thing". When I expressed concern, the rep offered a "solution" of decreasing the cost of the service fee if I would sign up for their protection plan for a monthly fee. I was not happy with this solution, because at this point i was getting the runaround and feeling duped. I told the rep that I would do the plan, but my intention would be to cancel the account as soon as I got set up with another provider. I expressed dismay that they would not waive a fee I shouldn't have been charged in the first place, only offering a reduction by strong arming me into a plan I didn't want. He infomred me that if I signed up for the protection plan and then cancelled, I'd have to buy out my contract. I refused and decided to eat the cost of the service call and go back to cable.
I called today to cancel my service and was informed that there would be a $150 early termination fee. I have had the service for a year, which was my understanding of my "contract", however since I have the DVR, I was informed that it is a 24 month contract. I was not aware of this, as I was told it would be a year committment. I was also never informed of this fee when I expressed my intent to cancel last week. I feel like the surprises never end with these people.
Incidentally, when I called to cancel today the rep tried to retain my business by offering to waive the previously unwaivable fee that started this whole issue in the first place. Of course, I'd still need to sign up for the extortion... I mean protection plan. After what I've been through, I have no faith in their deceptive practices. The icing on the cake is when I told him I was done with them and just wanted them out of my life, he reminded me of their "returning customer" incentives. They truly have no clue.
They have you going and coming with this company. Its no wonder the customer service is so poor; they have nothing to lose b/c they make money if you cancel. I have read the horror stories about being charged for boxes b/c it takes them forever to send the fed-ex return boxes or they fail to log them as received. I changed my debit card info on their website but have a feeling they'll still find a way to suck something from my account. I anticipate a long road head just to get rid of them. I read every page of the complaints and they're all pretty consistent. I will never do ANY satellite company based on my experiences with this one. I only wish I had seen this site back then.
July 23, 2008
Moving troubles
I've moved and wanted to take my DirecTv disc with me and upgrade to HD at the same time. BIG MISTAKE.

You can't do both online at the same time so I made an online upgrade and called in to change my address. I called back twice before the first installation to verify that the address change came through.

During the next 4 weeks I had made 4 additional phone calls. 4 different installers came by. Two went to my old address while I was waiting for them at my new place! Two came to the correct new address with a small ladder packed in the back of their minivan/suv. Not big enough to reach the roof of my two-story house! The last installer did at least put the cable through the wall and did come back the next Monday with a big ladder.

All in all very unprofessional.

DirecTv wouldn't send me the receiver and let me call my own installer which I suggested to them after 2 tries.

And the DirecTv service kept insuring me that the installer had the correct address but they clearly have no clue!!

They make me wait during a 4 hour window for the installer that then doesn't show up.

And in the end they also didn't do the upgrade that I had requested.

DirecTv had me contact the 'REGIONAL Installer' to correct the address. That 'regional' company was located 1000 miles away in California (I'm in Seattle)!!! They clearly have no influence on what's going on so far away.

A few weeks later I contacted a normal installer for an additional disc. He laughed at the suggestion to take a large ladder. Two story houses are common in Seattle!
July 21, 2008
I had ordered the new set up with Wild Blue Cody S the salesman told me that with wild blue and direct tv it included all of the bells and whistle's hbo, stars, cinti-max and all for the duration I had the equipment so I said ok 7-14-2008 @7:50am I did some checking and found out that he had lied so at 7-14-2008 @ 9:16am I called and cancelled still have not received credit for the equipment cost, can't get the money but can get a run around every time I call
July 20, 2008
Unauthorized billing
Yolanda of Shrewsbury PA (06/22/08). Has anyone ever had PPV charges for movies you didn't order? Someone, I don't know how... Called in on the phone (Direct tv says it was MY PHONE number that used to call in the orders) to Direct TV everyday for 2 months and placed orders for PPV Porn running up charges of over $1000.00. We didn't do it! Anyway, after several attempts to contact them all the way to the Office of the President, we were told that we were liars and that there was no way that someone else could have done this and we were responsible for the bill.

Since then, credit agencies have attempt collections and we refuse to pay it. They have been so unreasonable and flat out calling us liars. They say that someone living here had to have called in these PORN movie orders. I didn't do it, my husband didn't do it, nor did my 2 young children! Some orders were placed at 5AM when no one was even awake or home. Some were supposedly downloaded to our living room receiver... now, why would we download porn movies to a living receiver where our children would see them?

So my credit is destroyed because of this. Can anyone explain how this could happen... could it have been a cruel joke and how did they do it? Direct TV says that their System is fullproof and un- Hackable. Why is Direct TV so unreasonable about these charges? They won't remove them.
July 18, 2008
Unauthorized deduction
I was a cable (Comcast) customer and switched as part of the AT&T package bundle promotion. I received several rebates and thought I would be delighted with not having to deal with Comcast's sometimes bothersome lack of customer service. WAS I WRONG! I switched to Direct TV and whenever there was a bad storm in my area, I could't watch TV as it would pixelate and/or I would receive messages about receiver errors. I also missed ON Demand terribly! I called May 2, 2008 and cancelled my account with the billing representative. I signed on with Comcast and thought that was the end of it except to wait for the promised boxes to return the equipment in. I received two boxes on July 11, 2008 (ship date from whse indicated July 10, 2008) and returned all equipment on Tuesday, July 15th -- WELL WITHIN THE STATED SEVEN DAYS on the letter they place in each box that states "IMPORTANT: Make sure to return your receiver within seven days of receipt to avoid a charge of up to $470, depending on the type of your receiver." Also, "...Simply follow the steps below to send your old receiver back and AVOID ANY CHARGES." I called my bank on TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2008 (3 business days after receiving the boxes) and Direct TV had charged by debit account $758.42!!! Yes! They had my debit on file and charged me not only against their own stated policy of no charge for seven days but also from April to mid-June because they say I didn't cancel with the correct representative! Apparently, my crystal ball wasn't working that morning (or maybe their representative's aren't well trained) and I was suppose to KNOW somehow that when I said "CANCEL MY ACCOUNT" that it didn't really count because I had to speak with a SPECIAL person! This company is a joke! I devoted almost the entire day on Tuesday trying to sort this out. The first call to Direct TV and the representative hung up on me when I insisted on speaking with a billing supervisor. The second representative put me on hold --- eternal hold of 42 minutes before I finally got the hint and decided, hey, I think they are ignoring me!" Imagine that! Don't learn the lesson the hard way like I did -- get the hint. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! I called again (many times) and finally spoke with a billing representative that promised to take the bill down to $371 (aren't I lucky) and that charge (credit?) still hasn't went in but the $758 is still gone. Amazing how that works! They debit and hold the money immediately and the credit is still not in. I called Fed-X, they received all of the equipment at the whse and still no credit. AGAIN - DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! CONSUMER BEWARE!
July 18, 2008
$100 Cash BAck
Direct TV promised $100 cash back but did not honor its promise after I performed -- would like to talk to others who have had this done - please cal me at 206-932-6754 ex 13
July 18, 2008
Unauthorized charge
Someone ordered a pay for view Wrestling to my account, by phone, in March and I was charged $54.95. I complained because we never ordered anything and was told I would get a rebate, but as it was ordered through an agent(?) they refused to honor a rebate. Beware, put a password on your phone and online service with these people or you WILL be charged! We are all liars to them.
July 18, 2008
Poor business practice
We purchased Direct TV from their online website on 7/6/08 and piad by credit card. We received a letter from Direct TV dated 7/6/08 confiming our order and also assigning an installation date and time for 7/15/08 between 1:00 AM and 4:00 PM. We also received an e-mail confirmation on July 12, 2008 confirming the date and time for 7/15/08; as well as providing instructions that an adult would need to be present and all furniture moved providing access to the televisions. I took a day of vacation to provide this assistance. The issue is that NO one ever arrived to install the service. When we called Direct TV we were told by Customer Service that the Home Service Provider, Mas Tec, had overbooked the date and we would have to be rescheduled for 7/24/08 between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. No one from Direct TV or from Mas Tec called us to inform us of the change and we were told there was nothing that could be done before 7/24/08. This is unacceptable business practice.

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