April 5, 2011
SCAM/Promis $100 gc but its a hoax
I got a text saying thank you and to call for your $100 gift card. I did call seeing what it entiled because I do know that you can do certain trials and get some really good stuff for free, all it requires you to do is cancel within membership free trial period. The ones who keep getting charged are the idiots who forget to cancel/dont look at their billing statments. I also use to work for resort customer service so knew that you can get some nice gifts and all you have to do is say NO! anyways i called and of course got some foreign dumbass on the line. He said I get a $100 gc to either Target or Walmart plus up to $120 gas rebates. All i had to do was pay one time $4.95 for shipping and proccessing. Im a person who asks alot of questions and reassure things many time. I asked if I have to buy anything for gc, etc...he said no it will be a flat $100 to one of those stores. And that im in a trial membership for some discountshoppersavings club that i can cancel within the trial period. So I kept assuring that I get this without having to buy anything else, he said that is right. Then had to do some dumb authorization thing which explains why they do it because they have people complaining alot im sure. During it it then said I can get US weekly 6 issues for $1, sure why not, I read that magazine and I kno if its a trial, ill opt to cancel. Then someother $4.95 for some more gift cards. I said no, I do not want to be charged that. He tried explaining again, I said no. So only agreed to $4.95 and $1 charge. Then he said wait for packet, it will explain everything with your gift cards and pretty much hung up. Got my packet today, what a load of shit! The "gift card" was I can recieve 4 $25 gift cards when sending in receipts of $100 or more at the store!! and of course no fucking gas rebates. Furious I called right away to the same number-fuckin foreigner woman. Told her Im pissed, not what I was promised, and to reimburse me immediately or I will dispute. She asked for my name and number and said she will forward my concerns to the shipping department. I said NO i want to talk to them immediately not fucking wait. Hung up!! Called back and got some guy foreigner and said I got hung up on and he said no you probably got disconnected. He happened to already know my name and number so the stupid chick was probably next to him. I told him I was lied to and need this resolved immediately. Said the most he could do is forward his concerns and I said no give me the number to that "customer service". called them and it was either press 1 to remove your name off list or press 2 to get a call back within 24 hours. Fucking ridiculous! So then I tried the number on the papers from the discount club. Got a white woman. Told her i was pissed and what i was promised. she said that the gift certificates were a thank you for doing a trial and that there should have been no way i was told i was getting a flat $100 fee. Told her I will dispute unless get money. She seemed a little snappy(heard it before) and said disputing wont do anything because I authorized the charge but she is willing to cancel my membership and reimburse me the $4.95 from 1-10 business days. I will await that charge. Now I just got to make sure these dumbasses dont continue to charge me and I need to check out the whole magazine situation. Yes I kno its dumb on my part but I have never ever been this mislead in my life!!