is not posting and/or backdating transaction dates for purchases. On the website, it is not possible to see a current balance within a few days of the end period. No matter what I do, I cannot pay off the balance 'in full' because they do not disclose the actual balance due and do not post recent transactions in a timely manner such that I may pay off the balance before the due date.
Example: I purchased an item on Sept. 15. I logged into the website on the 16th. The transaction had not posted to the 'recent activity' portion and the total balance for purchases did not reflect that activity. Therefore I concluded that the transaction had not gone through. I paid the entire balance that was available on the website on Sept. 16. On Sept. 17 I logged in and printed out the recent activity section, which still showed no items purchased on Sept. 15, but did show that I paid off all open transactions in full and there was a zero balance on Sept. 17 (the last day of account period).
On Sept. 18, the first day of the new account period, I logged in to see that my statement of account for the previous period showed the charge from Sept. 15, which was never accounted for on the website. This means that there WAS a balance, but that balance was NOT reported to me until AFTER the closing period under which I may have paid it off.
I went to the printable statement for the period ending Sept. 17, and lo and behold, the charge from Sept. 15 magically appears for that date of Sept. 15, which is inaccurate because it did not show up on the website on that date or on the two business days after (though another charge does show up on the 16th) under the recent activity or outstanding balances sections.
This is backdating transactions to make it seem like I carry a balance each month. It exposes any subsequent charges to double cycle billing practices by this company.
To Discovercard: Stop backdating transactions. Your website earlier this year did account accurately balances up to the due date and you changed that. If transactions do not show up on the website prior to the end of the billing cycle, they should not be charged as part of that billing cycle or reflected as being 'posted' at that time when in fact they were not posted.
I have time-stamped PDFs of the website and the transactions to back up this claim.
This is a fraudulent accounting practice and needs to be stopped. It is an attempt to expose previous cycle activity to double cycle interest rates for any future balances, by not allowing consumers to completely pay off their balances within a cycle. Since Discovercard changed their website earlier this year I have been unable to EVER pay in full before the end of the grace period, as there are always transactions that did not in anyway show up on the website or in the recent activity balances due section, but did show up on the statement AFTER the period was over, complete with inaccurate posting dates.