I have had a DiscoverCard for almost 10 years with the same due date for that entire time, always due on the 21st of each month.
I received my June 2009 statement and didn’t bother opening it until June 18 to pay my bill online. Imagine my surprise when I opened the envelope and I found they had changed my due date to June 12, so it was already past due!
I immediately called DiscoverCard to let them know I had not been informed of this and was told the notice was sent out 6 months ago regarding due date changes. She agreed to waive the late fee and she changed my due date back to the 21st. I paid my June payment at that time.
My July 2009 statement just arrived yesterday. Yes, the due date is now back at the 21st, but the late charge was not waived like I was promised last month when I called, PLUS my 14% APR has now changed to 26.99%. That is highway robbery!! They tacked on a whopping $374.00 finance charge at the new 26.99% APR – which was way more than my payment I made in the previous month. They also raised my minimum payment due to $360.00 - an amount I certainly cannot afford.
I called DiscoverCard again, and she again promised to remove my $39 late fee, but she said she would have to send the part about reducing my APR to another department.
What do you want to bet they don’t reverse the $374.00 finance charge?
A year ago when I checked my credit score it was a little over 800. I hate to see what it is now. I would love to file bankruptcy to screw DiscoverCard over, but I’d only be hurting myself.
If I had another credit card to fall back on for emergencies, I’d tell DiscoverCard to stick my credit card up their you-know-what.
My fantasy is to see DiscoverCard go the way of AIG and the others.