February 13, 2008
Discrimination in its truest form
Do you know what it feels like to be discriminated against, on a job, using transportation to and from your home, and to have people around you know more about you because of heresay than you do yourself? Also, to have a job but knowing that you are not supposed to be working or earning a living to make do with the essentials in life, created numerous problems for me and my family. I left granite city because i was a witness along with my son, at injustice dealt out to a man attempting to protect his girlfriend and her two children from an ex-con who kept switching off their power even when the alarm had been set to get them up for school the next day. This man had been told to not call the granite city p.d. Because he would be arrested even though he had a legitimate claim. He had been beatened in a jail cell by four p.d. Officers who kicked, punched and assaulted him in the cell after his girlfriend made the call, not he. As a result, and because of other claims that we (my family) was and is troublemakers too, we have been subjected to harassment and other innuendoes about returning back to granite city. Why should we subject ourselves to more abuse and additional stress. We have been trying to better our lives but have been denied our right to further our goals. My son was denied his ged completion because the person scheduled to pick him up, failed to do so. We moved here, where he wants to attend school to complete his education and get a better paying job. Instead, he has been denied this privilege. How can he get a job if no one is willing to give him the chance? He is in a shelter where he has been for over a year, and he feels harassment on a day-to-day basis as i do, and we have been made to feel that when a law enforcement person is shot or killed, that we are somehow held accountable. Today, i went to pick my son up from the shelter, and we were harassed on our way to my apartment where my son stays until it is time to go back. So many people have commented on what to us is considered the past, but yet we still here that we should return to granite city; i to a man who followed me to alton, commandeered a bi-state bus to fairview heights so as to follow me there, followed me into the central west end, and where i worked, lived and shopped. This man lied under oath because he had help from people who had believed that he had been telling the truth. What about his old flame who he was dating at the same time he had been following me? How else did she know where i was unless he told her? This was part of the reason i left. So much wrongdoing there and harassment continues to this day. A man should not be beatened for protecting his girlfriend and her two kids from a bully. She had been diabetic and pushed against a telephone pole and knocked unconscious. Where do compassion and understanding of wrongdoings dealt to them begin especially two innocent children?? Would you have wanted all of this to happen to you???