This actually started 7/13/2001, but it won't let me enter 2001 as a date.
I purchased a computer from DIT because I lived in Des Moines at the time so I didn't have to pay for shipping and they allowed me a fairly decent level of customization.
Summary of events:
I was working two jobs at the time of purchase and only had time to pick it up on one day a week. I went to the store, handed them my check and they said, "We can't take your check." I was flabbergasted--apparently their machine was broken so they wouldn't take my check and wouldn't give me my computer. So I didn't get it for another week.
The computer came with a fair amount of boxes, tower, monitor, speakers with sub, motherboard box, etc and I asked for help carrying it out to my car and was told, "We don't do that."
The keyboard they gave me was defective (it had a loose connection) and it was a serious pain in the ass to get it replaced. I took it back to the store and was told I would have to go online to order one and then send my keyboard in. I was not happy. New keyboard failed 2 months later and I decided to screw it and just go buy a different one.
They screwed up putting the processor in and I had serious problems with that and took it in. Apparently they had used next to no thermal paste.
After three months my computer started having serious problems and I sent it back to them. Return process is slow with little verification along the way. I found it difficult to get a hold of someone on the phone and emails took 3-4 days for a response. Capacitors had exploded on my motherboard and they had to wait for parts (those who said they are slim on stock are right).
Three months after that my power supply failed and I had trouble with an optical drive. They replaced the power supply but it took 3 trips before they would replace the optical drive.
They also don't do a very neat job with the wiring inside the case.
Overall the prices are pretty reasonable, but I probably won't buy from them again. They more or less fixed everything but I had a ton of problems and it was a hassle to get each fixed.