Dated: 05.11.2009
The Manager
State Bank of India
Nirman Bhawan, Delhi
Sub: Wrong deduction from my saving account.
I beg to state that on dated 05.11.2009 at 11:00 AM when I was use the SBI ATM card to draw the money Rs. 5000/- from ICICI ATM machine installed at Shastri Park Depot of Delhi Metro( ATM ID-S1CD1980). Amount Rs. 5000/- has been deducted from my account but ATM machine not give any money during this transaction. You are requested please deposit the amount Rs. 5000/-in my account which is wrongly deducted from my SBI Saving account no. 10569684024. My account Detail is as given below:
Name : Sushil Kumar
Saving A/C No. 10569684024
SBI ATM Card No.62201800508300105788
Account Branch : Nirman Bhawan, Delhi
Encl: Transaction slip is enclosed.