I tried to get my G1 yesterday and wasn't able to do the test becasue you are suppose to show up one hour early (that great don't get me wrong) but i am 16 and have no driver licence and my school get out 3:08pm and it take about one hour to drive to thier loctaion and take a hour and a half to take a bus. but the time i should be getting there is 4:00pm i can't my parent work like most of the world. and that was my only option to get there on time. the bus would make me show up at 4:30pm and they won't let you do your test then because they close at 5pm. there is only 2 loctation walky and canotek. they are both to far and close at 5pm.
so what i have to say it that the two DMV should do one of two thing open more DMV around ottawa or stay open latter.
thank you for your time