Dollar Tree

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Dollar Tree Reviews

bluedragon May 11, 2010
I was currently emplyed at dollar tree.The managers are ignorant women.They treat their emplyees like crap, you can never do enough for them.One manager by the name lesia is so rude to her customers i am surprised they are still in business.I recall one time this little boy was at the gumball machine and lost his quarter.He went to her, and told her.She told this 6year old he had to call the 800 #the poor lil guy looked at her and cried she walked away.She has/had extra toys in safe.She could of gave him one, but greedyness is her nicname.Their is a paticular customer who comes in the store, and she knows she is stealing we have caught her, instead of banning her from store she welcomes her, and follows her around like a mad lady, but she treats paying customers like shit.She needs a wake up call.I wouldnt work for them ever again!!!THEY are rude, mouthy, self rightish, bitches.If you go into the store watch out you are being followed like you are gonna steal them blind.
bschank85 March 31, 2010
assist. Manager -Julie
At the Lapeer Michigan Dolllar Tree Store, March 30, 2010, I was returning excess items, that were from a 100 person, baby shower. A very nice cashier, Amber was her name, was very nice and helpful. She was counting items to be returned, as so I knew how many items, I had to buy, in exchange. Another cashier, I do not know her name, told me and Amber to just stop what we were doing, and to move the line along! She was very snotty, so I explained to her, I had to know how much to buy! So I went on with Amber counting the itmes, and then we agreeed on 52 items I needed to buy. I happily filled my shopping cart. Next was the wost day of my life in years, I was verbally assulted by an assistant store manager, Julie. I was told by her, (Julie) that some of the items I was returning, were USED, at the baby shower, (that they were on the tables and used) and I was trying to "scam" her. They were glass candy dishes, with glass lids. I had purchased over 50 of them and was returning 12 of them. I was standing there with almost $1, 000.00 in Dollar Tree reciepts, purchased over a 6 month period, and was shocked at how I was being treated. I had reciepts for all the items I was returning, and she was not interested, at that time. The store check out line was full, I was very embarrassed at how I was being spoken to! So I asked Julie, if she had an toll free number, I could call to corporate, to complaine about this matter. She tore the Dollar paper off the check out stand, and basically threw it at me. I asked her again, politely, for a phone number, that I did not want to go online, and she then said, "Well most people do have a computer and internet." Again, I was shocked at this attitude, like I was a poor person or what she was thinking I do not know... I told her that I indeed do have braodband, but, I wanted to call as soon as I got to my car. So, she then pulled the paper out of my hand, so fast, she reopened, a healing split, to a finger tip. I was furious, as this hurt!! I felt like going nuts. But I did not. So She circled a number on that same paper, and threw it at me, once again. Next an item, I honestly thought was a Dollar Tree item, (pack of wooden clothes pins) was discovered in the retured items, by Julie, and she asked another lady who was working at the time, "Is this ours? I 've never seen it, have you?" and snotty like, they both said "NO it's not ours". Julie threw the package of clothes pins at me. She made it clear, they were not a Dollar Tree item. I told her I was sorry. When I loaded all the excess party items up, I was very tired, and it was a mistake. Her reply was "Like sure". I just kept shaking my head in disbelief... I almost asked if I was on a hidden camera show...While all this bickering, was going on, and I was being assulted by Julie, another cashier, by the name of Amber, was so embarrassed, you could see it in her eyes, and facial expressions. She was so very nice with my from the very beginning. Each time verbal assults were dished out to me, she would look at me (Amber) with disbelief, and shock. She was so very helpful and nice. My itms were packed up and and I thanked Amber for being so nice, I told her when I called Dollar Tree corporate, I'd let them know all about what just took place, and especially how nice, and professional she was. I left the store, and was in the parking lot. I was loading my items into my car. I was directly in front of the stores opened door. Customers, walked out after me, a two of them, I knew. They said they could not believe what they heard in the store, and I was definately suppoed to call Dollar Tree business headquarters, and file a formal protest. Next, I got into the drivers seat of my car, and called the corporate phone number. As I was on the phone, both the snotty lady, (who was smoking) and Julie came outside, and were walking around collecting shopping carts. They were walking by my car, and I was worried of further violence, so I rolled up my widows, and started my car. I wanted to complete my call and be safe. I was definately concerned about them approaching me in parking lot. I thought that was the safest thing to do.I complete my call and left the parking lot with no further problems. The first lady I spoke with was very nice, asked me to tell the entire story, and listened . After I was done, she said she was very sorry and promised me a district manager, would call me. The next day, today, she did, and her name is Robin. She also was very nice, and assured me the matter would be handeled. End of story, as of now. What I hope is, no other person, ever has to be treated like I was by Julie. She has no right, being in customer service, period.
Traci Proctor January 3, 2010
miss management andsexual relations on the job ignored by coorprate.....results
To Whom it May Concern:
I Traci Lee Proctor, Sales Manager for the Emmett, Idaho Dollar Tree Store #3682, would like to bring this to the attention of the Dollar Tree Corporate Offices, Management, and to whom ever else is concerned with this matter. This is my testimony of what I have witnessed and acknowledge to be factual information.
When everything first started I was suspicious of how Jon was favoring Della and how they acted when they were together. One day on my way to Boise I drove by Dollar Tree going down Highway 16 and noticed that both Jon and Della’s vehicles were in the parking lot very early! They were there at 8:00am instead of the usual time 8:45am like all of the rest of us usually are. So next time I worked I checked the camera and seen Jon and Della come in the store, go towards the back down the candy isle. They were off the camera for about 50 minutes before they came back up to the front. Jon goes into the office and starts doing the office stuff, including weighing the tills and the safe money, which Della should be helping with. Della was standing in register #4 fixing her underwear in her pants and putting her belt back on, which she was wearing when she came into the store. This is not the only time Jon and Della have arrived early for work together.
Some of the things that have happened are:
1. Jon and Della arriving for work early and off the clock.
2. Della’s husband was thrown out of the store permanently because he was accusing Jon and Della of having an affair.
3. Della’s husband found Della’s “Secret” phone (Della carried two phones at all times, one her husband didn’t know about) and found inappropriate texting between Jon and Della. He sent them to Dollar Tree. Sue Stephens and Joe Prophet came into the store to conduct an investigation about the texting between Jon and Della. Myself and Barb were questioned by Sue and Joe and we told them the things that we knew. The next day I called Sue Stephens and left her a voicemail telling her that there had been stuff going on for almost a year, I also told her I wasn’t comfortable saying this in front of Joe that’s why I called her cell phone and didn’t say much while being interviewed by both of them.
I wasn’t the only person aware of what was going on all this time, everyone can tell. Customers have even approached me and stated that they thought something was going on between the store manager, Jon, and the cashier, Della. The other employees that seen the videos of Jon and Della are Barbara Lamb, Theresa Berg, and Cindy Summers.
I had been being treated poorly and having to endure a lot because of what was going on with Jon and Della and that is why I showed the other employees. Barbara blew up at Jon one day when he had told her that he had to get this stuff figured out with Della. Barbara told him that yes he did and that we knew what was going on with him and Della. I felt like Della should have to have a Doctor’s note for her diagnosis of depression as well as I did for my fibromyalgia, especially when Jon’s always excusing the things she does due to her depression. Jon told me I only received a 13 cent raise due to my attendance. All of my absences have been due to my fibromyalgia and other emergencies. I find this discriminating that her depression is seen superior to my fibromyalgia, which causes me a large amount of physical pain.
One recent incident with Della in the store was when Jon told her she had to wear the Santa hat and bell, per company policy. She threw a huge fit in the store, in front of customers. When I walked over to her register to ask her what was wrong she was so mad at Jon that she took the candy canes in her hand and threw them extremely hard at Jon’s register belt which was register #3. She cursed, using the “F” word in front of customers, saying “This is fucking bullshit!” She didn’t want to wear the hat because she claims to be Jehovah’s Witness, although she did dress up for Halloween and did make Christmas stockings for all of the employees. It was so bad that Jon had to call Homer Cleveland in to finish Della’s shift so he could send Della home. Jon of course blamed it on her depression and her “bad divorce” with her husband. As soon as Jon left to go home Della came in with 3 new Christmas hats to wear to work that she purchased at our largest competitor’s store. One was a black “Frosty the Snowman” hat, one looked like a Christmas “Cat in the Hat, ” and the other was black and white with the words “BAHUMBUG” embroidered on it that she took and had her sister’s shop put on it. The next thing after that she started texting my cashier, Homer Cleveland, asking him to please switch shifts with her so she could work the next morning with Jon, opening. When I came in that afternoon Della was wearing the “BAHUMBUG” hat and Jon said, “Oh I thought it would be okay, they’re kinda funny.” No one else would have been able to do that and not get reprimanded. Della and Jon claim to be best friends so it makes things different for them.
Della gets to work whatever shift she wants, which is usually whatever shift Jon works. She gets to work all of the extra hours available and any of the other employees can verify that. Della knows how to do management procedures and use’s manager’s codes. She has even used mine without my permission or knowledge.
You can ask any person employed at this store and they will tell you that I, as a manager, am not allowed to tell Della to do anything because she runs to Jon and says I’m bossing her around, then Jon has to have a talk with me about it. So I just let her do as she pleases. She does as little as possible on the clock.
Della has been able to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants and Jon has always covered for her no matter how big of an issue it has been. I think Jon is worried about making Della mad in fear that she will tell his wife all of what has went on between them.
Last Christmas (2008) I was written up because I said something to Della and Doris about them not doing their jobs, while I was off of the clock. Della was given five extra hours to recover the store, while the others did pack aways. When I went in the store they were laughing, talking, and eating Taco Bell while the cashier, Theresa was doing both of their jobs. To begin with no one had enough hours for a lunch and shouldn’t have left the store on a break to get Taco Bell. I asked them why they weren’t helping her and it broke out into a major argument, resulting in my write up. It wasn’t fair to give the hours to someone that wasn’t fulfilling the job duties. When the store doesn’t get thoroughly recovered, it makes it harder for the next crew on shift. If Jon wanted to hand out write ups, he should have written everyone up!
Not too long ago Della was threatening to quit and she told me that Jon begged her to stay. I think this is also due to his fear of his wife and family finding out about him and Della.
My 13 cent raise doesn’t even pay for that gas I used to take the deposit to the bank for the store over the past two years, off the clock! I have been told by Jon that sometimes you have to “take one for the team.” This means that if we are over in hours that I would have to clock out for lunches and breaks, giving the store my time. For over a year and a half I clocked out for lunches and breaks and was not able to leave the store. Also, one of the cashiers mentioned she noticed a decrease on her paycheck, which she brought to Jon’s attention and he told her it was due to taxes. I have never heard of your wages getting lowered to cover taxes!
Della always has bad personal hygiene. I am positive there is something in the company policies about hygiene and appearance, or at least there should be. Many customers have made complaints about Della smelling of body odor. Jon has even had to make Della buy deodorant to use at work because of these complaints. She always looks dirty and her hair looks dirty. She is always rude to customers. I have gotten several complaints about her rudeness and that she ignores customers so that she can text on her secret phone. One little girl even started crying because of Della. She had come in to get tortillas and was at the register before she realized they were opened. She handed them to Della and told her they were opened and went to get another bag as Della screamed at her, “Because you opened them!” in a very rude manner. The girl is around the age of 14 years old and left Dollar Tree in tears. She came in on a different date and brought this to my attention but I am not allowed to say anything about Della without getting written up.
Even after Joe Prophet and Sue Stephens came in and did an “investigation” Jon and Della are still working together and no action has been taken. They both just covered it up and pretended that nothing has happened. I believe this is because of Jon and Joe’s personal relationship as good friends. This is a conflict of interest, Jon’s superior should not be his friend, just as he should not have relations with the employees he supervises. Joe Prophet has treated me bad everytime I have approached him for help and has talked very poorly to me. He has even made comments to suggest that he would like for me to quit my job. For example: I had to call him because the deposit was over 17 dollars and he was a complete jerk to me. When I asked him not to talk to me like that and stated that I am done being treated like crap, he replied, “What does that mean Traci, what does I’m done mean, huh?” I feel uncomfortable at work and with talking to Joe Prophet. Also, to find out the 17 dollars that was over “a customer had found” in the store, according to Jon, but he had not mentioned that when I had called.
Action must be taken for the company’s best interest. The whole town of Emmett, Idaho knows about Jon and Della and the town is not very big. Everyone knows about Jon’s feelings toward homosexuals and the remarks that he has made. It could end in some serious lawsuits for Dollar Tree from the homosexual communities if Jon is continually allowed to voice his opinion of others.
AnnMarie250 September 12, 2009
Horrable Store Manager
I went to the Dollar tree in Shererville Ind. today like I have many times before. Well I went to go into the bathroom w/my daughter & another customer said I wouldn't go in there if I were you. I went in anyways to see how bad it was because I had to really go. Well She wasn't excoriating. There as Poop on the floor (which was dry) & the toilet was filthy. I decided on my way out which was immediately since I had to go to the bathroom so bad & went to the store manager & told her the situation. She was VERY defensive & uncooperative. I told her the sickening conditions in the bathroom & all she said was well I already cleaned it this morning so that just happened. This was only 11:30 am. & I mentioned the other customer that was going to complain also & she didn't care at all. & I asked her nicely are you going to clean it? & she said no I already did. I have other things to do. She was very igorant & wanted to continue to argue w/me. & walked away & she said where r u going? I said I'm leaving I have to go to the bathroom. She was so disrespectful to me that I put the items that I did have on the shelf in front of me & said I'm never coming back to this store again. She said SO. I have been to your store many times & usually enjoy it. But this store manager need to be discipline for this. She didn't care that all the customers in the store were looking at us arguing. I think she makes that store look bad. & it's ashame because I used to tell my friends what a great store this is...but now I'm going to tell the about what type of management is running this place.
dgrinch July 7, 2009
laid off /fired who knows!!!!
I was hired there on May 20, 2009 as a cashier ... Worked when they called me in.. On June 14 I was to report to work at 2:30 p.m . Nedless to say I did'nt feel good the night before which I worked until closing ... Anyways I woke up late Sunday called my manager at 4:15p.m told her I was sorry and that I will come In... She told me No, She already called somebody elese in... I said OK ... Appologized...So on my next work day which was for Wednesday I went in as scheduled... The manager on that night said they have some other employee working for me... Nobody called me . By the way the new employee was not there when I finally left which was 4:55 pm... Talked to my boss who hired me... He said everything was fine, that it's just a Suspension 2week.. 2 1/2 weeks later her reassured me that I still had my job ... That they just needed to put me in the system again ... Don't look for another JoB I was told... Here I am no job...Thanks to you Dollar Tree Managers and District Manager...
cheryl Whiteaker July 7, 2009
Rude employee
My sister and I was at the Dollar Tree Store 7/6/09 we had many items because we love that store . No one was at the cash register to check us out, there was a couple people behind us. After about 5 minutes I said Could someone check us out please. And this very rude employee says loudy "When I get over there I will." And she took her time .Everyone behind us was conmenting on how rude she was. When I got home I called the manager and his response was " I know I heard her ... she was blowing up balloons". I said Well ok I guess thats how you treat your customers too have a nice day. I was so shocked not only me and my sister but when a couple ladys behind us were shocked also. I can believe any store would treat people like that. I love the store but the employees need to atlest be cnoutious... not to much to ask.
mrs.ann June 19, 2009
rude manager
I went to take a visitor from Boston Ma to visit the location on Campwisdom last nite about 8:30Pm to pick up some last min things that she needed, as we walk around the store we accidentally knock one of the ornaments off the shelf and we were just kidding around with each other saying if we break we buy, so the rude manager walks up with a attitude and said you right if you break you will buy and with the attitude in her voice i told her i'm not going to pay for nothing and the killing part about it the item didnt break and the attitude she had was terrible for her to be in management, so when i made the comment i'm not paying for a dam thing she said you can get out the store, first of all she shouldnt have came to me with that attitude managers with that type of attitude dont need management position. so me and my visitor took among ourself to leave the store before it got ugly but will never shop their again.
CObywayofCA June 17, 2009
Surly manager
Several weeks ago I purchased a small stapler at Dollar Tree and discovered, once home, the interior mechanism was missing. I went back the following day, receipt in hand, without considering I could possibly receive resistance from the store manager. I was wrong. She inspected the stapler, inspected my receipt, asked if I was sure I had not broken it, than aquiesced with a heavy sigh, allowing me to go retrieve a replacement stapler. The entire incident was frustrating, but humorous. Today, I was in same Dollar Tree with my 13-year-old son to get Father's Day balloons, among other items. When my son and I stepped out the door of Dollar Tree, one of the mylar balloons detached from the ribbon and flew away. My son said he'd tell the store manager and I decided to let him handle it. He went back inside holding the balloon-less ribbon only to appear back outside the store within seconds, head hanging. He told me the store manager told him (same woman who interrogated me about the defective stapler) once balloons go out the door the store is no longer responsible. I asked my son to wait near our car and went inside. I approached the surly store manager and told her the balloon was not secured on the ribbon and had, through no fault of ours, flown away. She said, "You have to hang onto them!" I told her the ribbon had not been tied. She said, "We tie them!" I looked at the ten-person line waiting at the only check-out and asked, "Are you telling me I have to get in line now and buy another balloon?" She sighed her familiar heavy sigh and said, "Just this time I will let you get another balloon!" I walked over, took another mylar balloon and saw the ribbon was attached to the balloon with a piece of Scotch tape. When I got to the car, I checked the other balloons we had purchased, and they, too, had ribbons held with only a piece of Scotch tape. Many mylar balloons are destined to be set free once outside that Dollar Tree. The point is this store manager has an utter lack of people skills and, like many in jobs they appear to hate, seizes all opportunity, apparently, to wield the tiny power she has over Dollar Tree customers. She is not interested in customer service. She makes no effort to be pleasant. She is interested in holding her miniscule authority over the heads of unfortunate shoppers needing assistance.
Tammymay May 30, 2009
Abusive Manager
On May 29, 2009 I took my children shopping at the local Dollar Tree. I always shop at this store and drive out of my way to get there. While walking down an isle my 7 year old son took a pair of socks off of there hook then replaced them on a shelf where they didn't belong. All of the sudden I heard a lady yelling at him to return the socks to there proper place. I instructed the lady to not speak to my child. If there was a problem then she could address me. The employee began yelling at me ( curse words included). I picked up the socks and handed them back to lady. The Employee then took the socks and threw them at me. I was assulted by a pair of socks! I demanded to see the store manager and in my disbelief the women told me that she was the manager!!! This is an out rage. I know that there are hundreds if not thousands of people that go into that store every day and put things back in the wrong place. Why would you be so negative to a child? I will never return to this store again and have filed a complaint at the local police office .
David April 28, 2009
Debit Card Scam
While checking my debit card account I noticed that a transaction that took place on Saturday April 18 was repeated again for three more consecutive days! The same transaction. I was given the 800# and an extension but so far no one has returned my call. I wrote to the CEO's secretary and the company attorney. Waiting to hear from them. This is a theft and I intend to report it to the police. Posting in case anyone else has the same problem. I was told by store manager it was widespread.

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