I didn't see this listed so I thought I would let people know and the Domain Name Appraisal Scam.
It's been around for some time now, but has been mostly limited to those that buy and sell domain names. What happens is that you get an email that says they want to buy your domain name, and for a very nice price. But in order to make sure they are not paying too much, they ask the SELLER to pay for an appraisal where the cost is from $30-$100 at a site they recommend.
After the domain owner pays for the appraisal, the seller goes away.
The scam is to get people to pay for a worthless appraisal for their domain name.
Often time the person scammed can get a refund from the appraisal company OR the payment processing company like Plimus. But most people don't understand what happened or only go after the appraisal company who may or may not be innocent. Some are, the scammer gets a commission from the appraisal company. Most honest appraisal companies will not advise the domain owner about the scan before taking their money. Of course, the domain owner should NEVER have to pay for an appraisal for a buyer...!
This scam could be applied to other products but I am not aware of it at this time. Check NamePros.com if you want more details on this specific scam or just search in Google.