I found out last week from some friends about the actions of fellow employees of theirs are using risky
behaviors that could jepordize the health of others and that they are taking advantage of their employers and even doing drugs on the premises of their employment as well as sometimes performing sexual acts while they are at work. I first heard of the Domino's problems in another areal back in April which did not surprise me because I had some people I went to college with that worked there that told me of some of the scandals that go on there including taking away hours or even firing them if they did not participate or felt they would expose their activities. Wake up these two fast food chains demand cameras and drug testing with back ground checks on their employees. This will not totally insure your food will be safe but it will help and tell them to use gloves when they prepare your food demand that the boss do some frequent surprise visits. This stuff is going on on all sides of Guilford County and visiting towns of Greensboro and in Greensboro. Join my group and expose it if you will.