Viren parekh
January 12, 2011
Poor Quality&Service
Dated: 05/09/20110
Time: 16:03 Hours
From: Mr.Viren Parekh
To: Whomsoever it may concern in Domino's Pizza
Subject: Pathetic Food Quality & Service from Domino's Pizza& it's Staffers.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My Name is Mr.Viren Parekh., along with my Family and FriendsI along with my Wie's Family have been Avid Lover's of Domino's Pizza in the past.However the Recent happenings have made us think otherwise & we are so unhappy that we hav decided to almost boycott Domino's Pizza and spread the word to everyone we know in our vicinity.Let me draw your Attention to few Indifferent Situations which I along with my InLaw's came across recently.I am deeply hurt as I did spread the good word among my Friend's & my Company.inquiring from the Delivery guy
During December last year, since Being a Manager I receive Gift coupons now and Again, I inquired from your Outlet in Borivali(E), where I reside whether they do accept particular Gift coupons, which they agreed. I placed an Order around 10:15 P.M, when I was about to leave my Office as It takes 25 Minutes Drive from my residence.That day, I got delayed due to some Traffic, due to which I was not able to make on time, when the elivery guy arrived, he refused to take the coupon saying that the expiry date is 31/12/2009, on which my wife informed him that it is not yet 31/12/2009, however he refused to agree and started arguing and getting little more Vocal.My wife requested him to be a little lower in his speech as my parents were sleeping, however he did not agree to take the coupons.My Wife called me and I asked her to call the Outlet and apeak tot he manager, she did accordingly and explained the situation & he agreed that the coupons are Valid, Finally the delivery guy agreed & he did not have the Courtesy or Manners to apologise for his mistake and he went away, because all the issues, the Pizzas were almost Cold when we my wife sat to eat it.We both were very upset with this.
Before a Few months, I was at my In Law's place along with Friends, We decide toorder from Domino's Pizza from Borivali(W), The Quality of Pizza received was Pathetic, it was cold, we got the delivery after 43 minutes, also we were given only few Oregano's and Chilli flakes even after requesting for more.On inquiry from the delivery guy, why it was late, he was very rude with my wife and said he does not take care of it, requested him to wait, so we can complain about the Quality of Pizza and the time involved, however after some time he went away, which I was shocked as he dishonored us. I was made a source of laughter in front of my In Law's The very night, I did write a Complain Email on the Domino's Website, as felt Insulted, unsatisfied and not treated well as I have given a lot of customers to Domino's Pizza in the past.Apart from Recognising my efforts, they overlook it and treated me very unreasonably.
I did get a call from Megha, Manager at the Borivali(W) Outlet, who apologised for the concern & assured me of uality service in the Future. I did inform her that I am a person of Principle and a lot of sel fPride, I felt Aghast and shocked at the way they treat their customer's.She informed me that she can send the Same order to me and my In Laws, however I declined as my Motto was not to get more, but for them to realise the Mistake.She gave me her Number to call her to make any Inquires or Pave orders after I informed her that I will never ever turn to Domino's in the future for Pizza's, and we made up our mind to shift to Piza Hut.She realised after me giving her Details about my In Laws and Friends that I hae a lot of people connected to Domino's. We Finally agreed to the y loffer given by her after she assured me that she will individually take care of my things in the Future.She Sounded apologetic and genuine, I spoke to my wife and we agreed to give them another chance.Initially for the 1 st time, when I called Megha, she did everything well.She was very Polite and had Immense Customer Focus, which I appreaciated her for. However last month, My Brother in law got Engaged, the next day, we had a lot of guests at my In Laws place, we Decided to order Domino's Pizza along with other Food Stuffs, as few of our relatives, never had Pizza's before.I informed my Brother in law that I know Megha, who can get this orde for us quickly and she is good enough t take care of things, he Agreed to it.
However, we had to call Megha 2 times to know the Status of Delivery, she said that it is on it's way.I thought about driving down to the Borivali(W) outlet, as It takes 7 minutes.However since we had a lot of guests, I decided against it. To my Shock, it took Approximately 01:03 Hours for the Pizza to arrive, which was unbeleivable, as it is 7 minutes from In Laws place, also the Pizza was extremely cold and very hard, which was not fit for consumption by a normal Humane. to add to this, we had toppings all over the place on the box, we were given 3 Oregano's and 4 Chilli Flakes for 5 Pizza's which was shocking even after Megha assured me that Extra Oregano and Chilli Flakes will be given.How can anyone Expect such Rubbish?I was Embarrased in front of mt In laws Fmily and they mocked me. I did not even like a tribsiteffle of it.The same night, due to Issues with my Laptop, I send a message to Megha, about the Mis doing's. However we never Received a reply from her. At around 01:15 P.M next day, I called her and informed her, to which she replied saying that she had a lot of Custmer's due to which it happened.I did inform her that we tried calling her many times yesterday to inform her, so she can Correct it, However she did not pick up the phone, to which she said that she was busy. I informed her that my Wife was so shocked&angry, that she wanted to drive to Domino's Borivali(W) outlet and throw the non consumable Pizza in front of them, However we refrained from doing that as we are respectable individuals and we do keep our wits above us.
Megha agreed to resolve this and send me and my In Laws an Apology letter for this, also agreed to Invite all my friends and Family members for an all Organised party by Domino's, however I informed her that I cannot get my In Laws Relatives back from Kolkatta and gujarat, she agreed to it. Megha asked me to provide my Email ddress so she can Send me the best Deals from Domino's side as I never got the value for my money, I did provide her my and my wife's Email ddress.i confirmed with her whethwr she received it, to whiLet me Draw a few ch she agreed, She agreed to send me the very same day in the evening, to which she did not.On Inquiring with her about the reason why she did not send it, she said she will definitely do it today as yesterday she has many customers. This happened around the 1 st week of last month.I waited for a few days, however I did not received response from her. I did message her about the same on 13/08/2010, as I did feel that she was taking me for Granted to which she replied that she was Diagonised with Malaria, will stick to her words& get it done once she walks in the store.I inquired about her health and agreed fot it via Message. I had no choice, but to wait, but this time I was not going to leave it unturned.
I made my Inquiries whether Megha does come to the Outlet or not, To my Shock I spoke to few Staffers, asked them to pass on the line to megha and they agreed.I also had my friends to call Domino's to speak to megha and they found out that Megha was coming to the Domino'sOutlet.I was shocked as I am sure I was provided in correct information rom her.I was Furious and After coming back from Pune, I called her and Spoke to her about it, she had Excused that being a Manager, she had to come sometimes(As she knew, now I have all the information). I was not willing to speak to her and Requested for the License Number as I wanted to Press charges against Domino's pizza, she asked me to wait, so she can call Mr.Prashat, District Manager., I agreed to it, Called her back, she said she cannot do that, However I never felt she wassorry for the in Convenience and wanted m leave Domino's, she informe me that Mr.Prashant will call me, which he did not.However I ried calling him, his line was busy.However later he called me, I explained him the Situation.He was very Apologetic, however he was not at fault, I informed him that I wanted the License Number to press charges against them, also am going to claim a hugh compensation for the unruly Behaviour. He agreed to call me back in 1 hour. I spoke to him after an hour, he refused to give me the License number, said I will have to Email you'll to get it. I agreed to it .I was really happy that he called me back in 56 minutes as Promised.
From the Above, I pondered a lot and want to inform you Few things:
1.) I do have all the messages Stored with me for the Message exchange with Megha and Prashant.
2). I have recorded conversation with them, which was duly informed to Megha & Prashant.
3). As per the Law, I would request the License No within 72 working hours to press charges against Domino's. I will also Highlight the same in the Government of India Website to show them the real picturure of the way that a customer is made a source of Mockery and they will definitely act upon it as they did the same for one of my Friends, who is a Lawyer
4). I would want a reply back to this Email in 24 hours, if not I am sure you will be Responsible for the Consequenses.I will definitely consult my Lawyer about the next line of Action.
5). I work in a Leading Telecom MNC, being an Engineer. We have 27 Offices in Mumbai alone, where Each Office Comprises of 3 to 4 Thousand staffing. We have approximately 150 Domino's pizza Delivered Everyday & I promise you that after the mis doings as above I will authorise to switch over to Pizza hut or Smokin Joe's.
6). I want an Apology mail in 72 hours for the Ill treatment shown towards me.
7). I want a confirmation Email also from Mr.Prashant, who promised he sam.
Please make sure that you consider this Email of utter Importance, as neglecting this may land Domino's in Jeopardy. I definitely want to get Compensated for all the calls, Messages, Emails that I made to you, that took away my valuable time apart from ther hugh compensatio that I am going to claim for hurting my SelfEsteem and False promises made.
Thank you for your time going through this mail of Sheer Importance. I would like Staunch action taken for the same, I should be kept be kept i loop about the same. I would like to make it clear that I do not want anyone to loose their job, but train them to value their Job & respect other, live by their words etc as I treat every Individual with Dignity and Honour.
Viren P.Parekh