I paid to have the MicroDot technique applied to my hair after several consultations with the owners. I told them I had concerns about the mesh system being placed on my hair, as they were requiring constant oiling of my scalp and such. They advertise that they are experts in treating African-American hair - however, the mesh wound up tangling my existing hair, and trapping dirt and debris, which was difficult to wash out when washing the hair. Their website also boasts that with their system, you can wash and style your hair as you normally would. Finally, they took it out, misapplied it wrong, and then began to suggest other techniques to correct their error, but required I pay for them to correct their mistake. My attorney has sent a demand letter after they tried to hustle me for more money. They have not responded to the attorney's demand letter and it will probably wind up in court.
WARNING TO AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMEN - If a company has to brag about how much expertise they have in dealing with African-American hair, they are probably not experts at all, because you wouldn't advise them to put things on their scalp that do nothing but ruin and pull out the existing hair you have.