EMS Tracking # EE124013307CN delivered today and it looked like someone tore open the box and then stepped on it. I ordered 3 portable mini GPS units and replaced them with 3 pair of sneakers in 2 two boxes (3 shoes in each box)
I paid over $404 (by western union) (i have receipts) for the units and now I wind up with 3 pair of size 81/2 sneakers... you people are responsible for the packages you take in. It is a trust between the carrier and the shipper and you betrayed that trust that they put in you so i am holding EMS liable..
It left 2009-9-4 from Shanghai and I have the EMS voucher with all the stamps o it too so I suggest that you prepare a check in the amount of $404 to repay me for my loss.. Thank you... Norman
ps if you can contact the company and tell them that they are in trouble i would appreciate it the email addres iis on the western union paper.