contract bounty: heard I was dying for resubmitting this complaint
several attempts against my life.
Donna Law Rose's interest in porno was unknowd to me prior to a decade ago when I also remet her business partners the McEacherns also assoc with Hendersons.
I have tried to fine a lawyer for 25 year now.
No I haven't heard all the p joke so please feel free to contact me by email to provide more info.
Donna's po lice are particulary menacing: she is well versed in anatomy of bug rie and has generally spread hatred about me and my family for too long.
When attempting to be employed a nasty member of HKB made personal reference to private incident in my life. She anhialated my university career jealous that I had been teaching.
Pro Trudeau myself in that I prefer the state keep out of your bedroom.
Please don't make threats agains my life again. Btw they are also very muchinto gay promotion eg. her mom has been calling me a dyke since the 60s.