I canceled my service on July 17 08. I was on the phone with direct tv - yet again complaining about bad reception or channels just disappearing. The operator said they could send someone out for about $90.00 to look at my receiver. I said no thank you cancel my service.
They said i owed them money. I said use the deposit i made when I signed up for the service in 05 and I will pro rate the 17 day difference and send the amount to direct tv. She argued I had somehow used my deposit over the 3+ years and I had to pay nearly $100.00 .
I have paid by check every month the same amount until of course, they raised the plan cost every year. I have never paid less and I had never been credited for the original deposit. (like your auto insurance, rent and such, Direct TV requires a first and last plus a credit card.)
They called day after day and sent letters saying I was over due. I returned the letters and calls and asked that they send proof I had used my deposit. I explained I was going to see an attorney about this matter and needed everything in writing.
They would not send me any written reason why they were wrongly charging me and finally- knowing I was disputing their charges- they went behind my back and charged my credit card withourt my permission. I am not working with Capital One Frauds Dept and will be contacting my local DA.
For more information or copies of the fraud charge in October- [email protected]