EXPOSED!!! This "Dr." Eric Amiri claims to be a Quantum physicist with credentials and some profound understanding of "the Secret" and some NEW!!! techniques to manifest based on his science expertise. It's all HOGWASH and CRAP. If he's a physicist then I am King of Siam.
His so called book "The Secret Behind the Secret"can only be perused once you pay $37 on line, then the book is downloaded to your computer and protected so it cannot be copied or viewed by anyone else. Smart, since any viewing would ruin his scam. There is not one shred of science, or for that matter one quark of anything new that has not been ripped off from other legitimately published books and movies (just combine "The Secret" with "What the [Bleep] Do We Know?" and you have it all) in this e-paper. In fact, all 87 pages are pure plagerized fluff with biblical quotes, all in large print to make a nice quantity of pages. He throws in a nice dose of superstitious nonsense for good measure so the reader will remove all common sense when reading and not question for fear that it won't work. I mean really, "keep it a secret" is actually the title of a section on not telling anyone that you are doing this --please! Or how about "A successful manifestation takes WILL POWER", as if. This "Dr. E" has missed the boat.
I wouldn't be surprised if this author was really an out of work mom sitting at her kitchen table writing, paraphrasing a few sources ala Cliff Notes style and putting her computer internet class to work by building a web site, signing up with ClickBank and putting a fake copyright and a high price tag for nothing new. I SEE YOU.
I do know how to manifest, and I will be manifesting your exposure and failure in life as your karmic debt for this sham (Oh yeah, there's a chapter on that too). Shame on you.