February 2, 2009
Over charged and horrible extraction
On January 19, 2009 I contacted Dr. Gray Bailey's office due to a toothach. They were able to see me that day. I had already been suffering with this tooth for a week and knew it needed to be removed. It was absessed and my face was swollen and I could not eat, sleep, let alone work... whick I had been for a week. I went in they exrayed it and said "Nothing was wrong with the tooth" I insisted that there was and I wanted the tooth removed, he disagreed with me and put me on antibiotics and pain meds. That cost me $81.00 and $23.00 or the meds. Over night I became worse, I called back the very next morning early after missing my second day of work and I insisted they needed to pull my tooth. They said they would look at it again. I told them I wanted the tooth out, its NOT like I DONT know when I have a bad tooth I onlu have 7 of my own teeth the rest are dentures and a partial! I HAD to sign a waiver stating I wanted the tooth out. My wife had previously told me that they would AGAIN charge me for an office vist, I disagreed...LOL!!! I was WRONG! After taking ANOTHER exray they started pulling the tooth but not until after they had given me 3 shots. The pain was AWFUL!! He pulled and pulled and broke the tooth and dug and dug. After MUCH hollaring they gave me what he called a "Deep shot" two to be exact. They pain was SO BAD they had to keep wiping MY brow for sweat! My shirt was SOAKED on my back when I got up!! I was shaky and had a headach and neck ack from bearing down to hold myself in the chair while he pulled the tooth! I had to get 5 stitches. NEVER had I experienced ANYTHING like this and like I said I have only 7 teeth. After it was over the Dr. commented "Oh I guess if they had all been that rough you wouldnt had ANY extracted"! I was MAD it wasnt like I WANTED my teeth pulled!!! At that point I was charged$278.00!! Not only was I chared that but I also lost OVER $200.00 by missing a day of work! So 1 tooth cost me OVER $700.00 just to be pulled. I feel I was way over charged and torchered!!! I will NEVER go to him again!!! And guess what? The tooth he said "Nothing was wrong with"... I have NO pain...so SOMETHING was wrong!!