In October of '07 I had a breast augmentation and lift. Within 2 weeks, my breasts turned necrotic and I lost both nipples and areolae. During that 2 weeks I told him that I felt a great deal of pressure in my chest. His nurse even pointed out what looked like a big bubble under my skin. This man suggested that I get some Valium and just relax.
After my breasts had rotted, I had a second surgery to repair the damage. I was told that there was at least 300 ccs of fluid in each pocket but the implants were intact...thus the pressure and the reason I lost my nipples and areolae.
Two weeks after the second surgery in Nov, while he was on vacation, the sutures tore open on both sides. His office just let them open up. When i asked him why any of this was happening all he would say is "I don't know. I've never seen this before". He has been a PS for 15 years and he'd never seen it.
Thanks to his staff of wonderful ladies, his office paid for a V.A.C. machine and I was hooked up to it for 6 weeks while the tennis ball sized holes in my chest very slowly healed closed. My darling husband had to change my dressings every 72 hours.
I have since gone to another surgeon who says I am deformed.
Do NOT go to this man! Do NOT give him another opportunity to botch again.