I had the exact same nightmare experience with Dr. Jeffrey J. Ptak in Scottsdale, Arizona that so many patients of Dr. Sydney Coleman describe. His procedure called fat grafting, which he may also call fat transfer, is very invasive and damaging to the skin. Just like Coleman, he gorges the skin with fat and creates a Neanderthal look. Shortly after my first surgery, he flattered me and talked me into having yet another surgery for no reason. By the time I realized that he had no real plan in mind and only wanted my money, it was too late. The surgeries left lumps of scar tissue under my skin and did not even have any other effect. The fact that Dr. Ptak would pretend that my result was favorable just to encourage me to have further surgeries makes me conclude that he is a very dishonest man. Ptak has been the defendant in 6 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LAWSUITS in the Maricopa Superior Court, as well as many other lawsuits!
Ptak performed my surgery at the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center.