I was referred to this Surgeon for a hernia repair, by my physician. He and I met at the consult, he began by telling my 'I am like his wife- nothing is easy and always complicated." He disregarded my life threatening allergy 3 times, even after reviewing my chart for 2 weeks. He was beyond belligerent, he belittled my husband and I, argued the reasons why a repair was necessary. He told me in no uncertain terms how he would " remove my navel, as well as remove my entire scar sternum to navel and I would have a colostomy bag." When I told him I didn't want that, he was louder and more belligerent, thats what he would do and that's that! He told me I could learn to live with it, he was convinced the bulge is why I didn't like it. Though he was corrected, he argued. He listened to nothing. After he angrily stalked down the hall after being told 3 TIMES IN A ROW that I can NOT have iodine dye, I never went back.
I found another surgeon, he repaired it without complications, it was very smooth. Except one factor, the bowel was involved and would have been a big problem if I hadn't had the surgery. The unprofessional, callous, deliberate actions that Dr. Young displayed, is dangerous to anyone's health. Since the repair, I have been diagnosed with Celiac Diesease. He did not see any of the usual symptoms ? If he did, he chose to be silent. That doesn't foster trust either. Avoid this Physician! I sent a letter of complaint to the Clinic after the successful repair.