Dr. Minas Constantinides is an unethical and sloppy plastic surgeon. He is a slick talking salesman whose primary goal is to upsell you another procedure in addition to the issue you came in for. He will swear to do one thing and then completely deviate from the plan. He says he is one of the top rhino surgeons in North America but i don't think he's even the top surgeon in his own office.
He completely botched two surgeries on me and had the nerve to actually yell at me because I asked him a question. He has yelled at other patients that I have talked to as well.
He has a very bad temper and he will use it if he fails in surgery because his is big on blaming the victim. He's a complete narcissist who went in to medicine for money and prestige but who has no innate talent or surgical skill. He's a horrible little man and and even worse surgeon.