Dr. Javidan has a shady way of marketing. He uses scripts and will make you feel like you have a serious condition. He will warn you that if you don't fix the problem NOW, then your condition will get much worse. He then will then tell you how good it is that you caught the problem early. If you have no insurance, he will offer you discounts for pre payment...but make sure to read the contract carefully line by line, and verify that there are no penalties for stopping treatment if you're unhappy. Here is a link that you can cut and paste in your browser to read some of the scripts that he uses. http://www.backtalksystems.com/04.html Also check out on your own the validity of the term "subluxation degeneration"
Here is another link to copy and paste warning against signing lengthy treatment contracts with chiropractors: http://www.chirobase.org/07Strategy/contracts.html
Dr Javidan also is part of a MLM called ACN and will try to get you to sign up for their phone/cable services, and ask you to come to informational meetings.
The best advice I can give, GET A SECOND OPINION...AND POSSIBLY A THIRD especially if you don't have insurance that covers chiropractic care.