Frances Fiedler
December 4, 2010
2 and a half years ago I had a R. knee medial( inside bone) partial replacement. Dr Paul R. Miller was the orthopedic surgeon with hospital privledges at St. Anthonys Hospital in Oklahoma City. In fact he was head of the department! Several hoers after surgery I woke up on oxygen and remembered not being able to breath and the pressure of an anval on my chest. Then lated that evening an aid came when I called he for a bed pan while i was on the Perpetual motion knee flexor machine which was only velcorwed at the knee. She forced a dish pan up under me and did not turn off the machine and I crushed the plastic dish pan forcing my body to the right and the machine went to the left and dislocated the replacement to the side. The Hospital administrater came up right away .an x-ray was ordered but everyone knows it would not show soft tissue. Then Dr Miller lied to me saying nothing happend with the anastheology and nothing was wrong with my R. knee either. I did physical theraph for 3 months on a torren Miniscus legimant. Finally one year later he did microscopic surgery to remove the Miniscus which pictures showed had shredded and tried to re-attach and grow. I now am confined to a wheel chair in constant pain because the other bones and ligaments and muscle on that side of my body have tried to compensate. I am 68 years old, and am terrified of additional surgery after this experience with St.Anthonys Hospital and Dr. Paul R. Miller. I got a second opinion and it was recommended to get a full knee replacement. It has taken me almost 3 years now and it still is not OK.