I Elsa Aguilar had an appointment with Dr. Patel on January 29, 2010, which I was unable to keep because I was rushed into emergency surgery.
I called the office of Dr. Patel the following work day, February 1, 2010 and explained to his office manager (his wife) that I was out of my lithium an need an appointment ASAP (I have severe case of Bi Polar Decease) she told me that there were no appointments available and she would call me when one was.
This went on for 18 days and I was finally able to see Dr. Patel on February 19, 2010.
At this point is was to late the lithium had already left my system and I was having Bi Polar effects. In that my levels of lithium were not where they were they suppose to be and I was off my medication for an extended period of time, when I did finally begin to take my lithium it did not work.
Accordinginly, on April 7, 2010, I attemped suicide and was in the hospistal for 5 days two at Medifee Medical and four and Redland Hosipital Phychiactric Ward.
All of this could had been avoided if Dr. Patel's wife would had let me talk to the Dr. and let him know was was going on but she refused. I was a long standing patient of the doctor and he is very familiar with my case and knows that I cannot go without my medication.
I did have to suffer through severe withdrawls during this time which should have not been neccessary.