I wish this site existed when I got my first nose job. Back when I was young and naive, I went in for a hearing checkup, the doctor suggested to me to get a nose job that will fit my face. At the time, I was very self conscious and decided what the heck, why not. This was in 1993-94 time frame.
Dr Richard Eng performed 1 0f three rhinoplasty on me since he botched my nose job completely. Till this day I still feel scarring on my nose. Any ways, after a the bandages were removed, I was in total complete shock when I looked into the mirror. I was looking a pigs nose on my face by the amount of lift that was done to it. It was so pointed upwards, I lost the ability to move my nose up and done. It's too firm and rigid till this day.
I believe the doctor took too much cartilage out of my nose since I obviously vomited some of it up. After I've over came the shock and horror and destruction of my face. I expressed my disappointment to the Dr Eng and he had the nerve to tell me it was fine and maybe getting a cheekbone implant to fix it. I stood my ground and said no...
So the second surgery was done in his office with the left over cartilage from the previous surgery. I'm just amazed that he saved that ... And why was it saved ? Were you planning something ?
Yet even after the second surgery, I was still disappointed. So I went to another doctor and thank god for him Dr Okamoto. He did the best he can with what he had. He rebuilt my nose from cartilage from my ears which I should of let him do from my ribs. He basically made me look normal again.
Yet even till this day, I still have the one side of my nose with an uneven shap and scars and firm nose tip.
I wish was counseled and instructed before I ever thought about a nose job.
My advice to anyone who wants a nose job or any plastic surgery, just be happy who you are and what god gave you. God creation is perfect in its original form so dont get any plastic surgery period. I have to endure with this night mare for the rest of my life.
Don't let the media make it cool to get plastic surgery because you have to be mentally prepared for what you will look like afterwards.
There were times I just wanted to just end my own life but I stood strong and firm. I wish that there are laws that make it a illegal to get plastic surgery if you are under the ager 21.
My advice dont get any plastic surgery ever, be happy with whom you are and not what others want you to be.
3x time survivor of bad nose jobs.