This doctor has ruined my stepfathers life. He wanted to be the first in Oregon to do a new procedure and once he did it to his 5 subjects he no longer cared about them. Or at least my stepdad.
What he did was freeze his prostate to stop the cancer. We found out later that he should never had done this procedure because of the prior radiation treatments. The worst part is he froze his bladder to his pelvic bone.
For 2 years my stepdad trusted Zobell and tried to get him to help because obviously he was in pain and not able to funtion as he should. Zobell actuall told my mom and step dad that the only answers he has was that they were going to die, he pointed his finger at my mom and said you're going to die and pointed his finger at my stepdad and said and you're going to die.
They finally went to another doctor and he as been through 6 surgeries so far to repair the hole in his bladder that Zobell placed there with his freezing. His tail bone has also deteriated from the 2 yrs of having urine drip on it.
My stepdad just turned 82 years old and has lost the last 3 years of his life just because this so called doctor wanted to be written up in the AMA magazine.
I hope no one else is made to suffer from this person who cares noting about his patients.