Dr. Sydney Coleman
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Dr. Sydney Coleman Reviews
Corey Taylor Clegg
March 9, 2009
Surgical Rape!!!!
I had just had a face lift in the before pictures, one year, prior to paying Coleman to fill fine lines around the corners of my eyes, and to have some fill put into in my lips. He had me, knocked out by using General Anesthesia, for over 6 hours, when it was supposed to be a light sedation.
I was never informed that he would be going throught the vaginal, wall to remove fat, and when I came to, I discoverd that he had overfilled my whole face, without my consent. "Surgical rape." He mutilated different areas of my body, including removing fat from my Labia. And leaving a large flap of skin in my Vagina, which my Gyn mentioned...something which I was too embarrassed to discuss with her.
I am not the only one he has sadistically assaulted. On this complaints board, go over to...Dr. Sydney Coleman...Buyer Beware. there you will hear the same traumatic stories, of many other victims, that he intentionally mutialted, The man is a psychopath, who should be in prison...so that he will not harm another.
This is not a case of, an outcome where I was disappointed! This is surgical rape, and I am so livid, over the fact that this bastard, has robbed me of my remaining life, and at the same time, hurt deeply those who love me...by causing great suffering. I want to see him rot in hell. Why do other doctors cover for him, or not speak out against him. Do not go anywhere near that office, because those working in that environment, lack morals and any sense of humane compassion.
Look at my face. This is the result of my head, being swollen and lopsided for over five years. The size of a basketball. The Geico Insurance Cro-Magnon tradmark look he gives to selctive patients. Do not set off this psychopath, because it could be you. I paid $25, 000.00 for lips and the outer corners of my eyes, I thought I was paying for the best, and all That I paid for...was to become "The Walking Dead!"
Corey Taylor Clegg
March 9, 2009
Pictures of before an after tells all.
Pictures for viewing, and then look over the other posts of complaints on this site. Especially, Dr. Sydney Coleman...Buyer beware. A slew of victims wanting the truth to be known.
Corey Taylor Clegg
March 9, 2009
Intentional Mutilation By A Psychopath
I am a victim of Dr. Sydney Coleman, at Tribeca Plastic Surgery of New York. I will be posting new pictures, but for the moment...these will have to do.
The before in the white blouse, was taken one year prior to Coleman, after I had had a facelift, which he ruined. The next two, are the results of overfilling my whole face, and how it has left me from extreme stretching over time. (will be posting the in between pictures soon, and they should be up on all the posts soon, courtesy of our friends here at "Complaints Board) This is not due to having aged, but caused by...well, read on. And then here on the complaints board...go and read others horror stories, under...Dr. Sydney Coleman...Buyer Beware.
Also, Dr. Alesia P. Saboeiro, MD in his office, knows of these outcomes, yet continues to work with him. Even when she first began there, she knew of his activities. Patients and former employees have stated so. To be associated with him, in the same office..says much about her character. How could one possibly trust her???
To have been so disfigured, that people have actually stood in front of me to stop and laugh? Pointed out the surgical freak? Simple fine lines that were to be injected with fat??? My face has been... for over three years... the size of a basketball. Lopsided and hideous looking. If you want your life destroyed, it would be less painful to jump in front of an oncoming train.
My own Gynocologist of sixteens years, did not recognize me, nor a neighbor that I have known since childhood, one with whom I had just spoken with several months prior to surgery. To be told by him, "you seem familiar, but I do not recognize you?" Heartwrenching to say the least.
There is a man who lives in my area, also disfigured by Coleman...we knew...just by seeing one another..."COLEMAN VICTIM!" He looked so hideous and this dear man, too...had a face with the trademark..."CRO-MAGNON LOOK!"
Literally, we are left with jutting foreheads, heavy eyelids that look as if small pillows have been placed upon them. Manly squared off jawlines, protruding lips that are insanely huge. Cheeks that have so much fat injected, a smile is too distorting to describe as anything other than freaky!
The only thing that I have found to be helpful, is the juicing of fresh veggies. It seems to help the fat go down a bit faster, if you can call over a three and a half year period fast. I dare to say, the man appears to fit the criteria of a psychopath, from what I have read and by noting how we have been...so "inhumanely treated!"
Although I am not qualified academically to make such a statement, here I will share the defintion of a "Psychopath" from the Oxford Dictionary. You decide.
Psychopath/A person with chronic psychopathy, esp. leading to abnormally irresponsible and antisocial behavior, loosely a mentally or emotionally unstable and aggressive person.
It was an absolute irresponsible act of aggression on my person/life/spirit. It was surgical rape, in the sense that it was not my desire to alter my look, only to have fine lines filled in. He also experimented on one of my legs, removing fat in the ankle area and above my knee area...in what appears to be an attempt at creating a more muscular look. It actually does look this way, but only on one leg and without my knowledge. I have been experimented on, perhaps for him to gain experience.
I am asking, for those who are not feeling so overwhelmed...with what he has done to you..to please post your pictures here. He..."CAN'T TOUCH THIS!" I have gained enough strength in my life, to reconsider that "Class Action Lawsuit" people once spoke of. For Fraud and Assault! If anyone is ready, please connect. And pass the word!!! Save lives.
October 16, 2008
Dr. Sydney Coleman/Dr. Jeffrey Ptak: Warning!!!!
Dr. Jeffrey Ptak is so much like Dr. Sydney Coleman. His procedure called fat grafting, which he may also call fat transfer, is very invasive and damaging to the skin. Just like Coleman, he gorges the skin with fat and creates a Neanderthal look. Shortly after my first surgery, he flattered me and talked me into having yet another surgery for no reason. By the time I realized that he had no real plan in mind and only wanted my money, it was too late. The surgeries left lumps of cysts or possibly scar tissue under my skin and did not even have any other effect. The fact that Dr. Ptak would pretend that my result was favorable just to encourage me to have further surgeries makes me conclude that he is a very dishonest man.
Ptak has been the Defendant in SIX MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LAWSUITS at the Superior Court.
June 21, 2008
"Many Accolades" to the owners of "COMPLAINTS BOARD!"
If it were not for this board, the opportunity to meet and work with other victims... in the exposing of Dr. Sydney Coleman for the fraud/assault/experimentation and mutilation on our bodies... without our consent or knowledge?... I would still be living in my cave wanting to die.
This has been a place to not only file complaint, but heal as well. Meet new friends and share, so that we are not alone in having been violated. Where we have not been protected in the past, this board now enables us to speak out and help to save many lives. Anyone considering Dr. Sydney Coleman? It ends here. I only wish this powerful venue had been available... when I was researching him on the Internet. But it is now! Thank God!!!
This has been a roller coaster emotions and some of my shared thoughts are no longer true, only that I would like to see Dr. Sydney Coleman held accountable. I do not hate him, nor do I want for him to suffer as we have... I doubt that he could survive it. "Justice" though... would be having him removed from society where he is a danger to others. Now everybody knows the truth, many thanks to...
Made by the people for the people.
Farewell to all. Survivors! Love...
June 20, 2008
Terrible experience
This post is only for viewing pictures of those mutilated by Dr. Sydney Coleman. I will post again, those very pictures that seem to have mysteriously disappeared overnight... along with my headline... "PRETHENIE MUTILATED BY DR. SYDNEY COLEMAN AND MORE, " which now reads "Terrible Service?" Added a few new pictures as well.
These are my pictures which were removed? And few more detailed ones that Coleman does "NOT" want for you to see.
Here again are the pictures of patients who were posted on "wearecolemanpatients.com." These are all real people with the same horror stories of surgery in areas without consent by Dr. Sydney Coleman.
1. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796701_cl002.jpg.html
2. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796705_BB0022.jpg.html
3. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796711_neckweb1.jpg.html
4. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796734_neckweb2.jpg.html
5. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796737_Slide1.jpg.html
6. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796743_Slide2.jpg.html
7. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796752_Slide3.jpg.html
8. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796758_Slide4.jpg.html
9. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796761_Slide5.jpg.html
10. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796764_Slide22.jpg.html
12. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796777_Slide32.jpg.html
13. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796780_Slide42.jpg.html
14. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796781_Slide52.jpg.html
15. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796782_Slide82.jpg.html
You will also benefit by reading Dr. Sydney Coleman... "Buyer Beware" complaints on this site... where people express their outrage over his intentional mutilations and experimentations on them without consent or knowledge while under anesthesia. There is lengthy dialogs about the emotions and pain shared by those harmed by this "Psychopath." Including myself.
Please look at the details, before and after of eyebrow areas, jawlines, cottage cheesy fat blobs, tight skin to saggy skin in several years after Coleman. Who in his right mind would do this to another human being? even if I asked for him to do this... which I did not... nor did any of the other victims of his? Only a Psychopath with a sadistic evil twisted mind cold do this to another.
It is pointless to write, because Coleman and friends continue to try to sabotage all that we have shared here... trying to bury the truth of what a monster he is. He needs to be in prison and you need to protect yourself from him!
This was posted for us by a supportive reader.
It really isn’t that important if a doctor has many happy patients. Every doctor has those. I’d be more interested to hear from the unhappy ones and see what went wrong in order to judge if he’ll be a good surgeon for me or not. what ‘s important is that he’d have common sense to know the difference between a patient who needs 150ccs of fat in order to look good and a patient who only needs 1cc. And IMO any doctor who goes extreme with injecting too much or taking away too much isn’t someone I‘d choose to operate on me.
We will continue posting pictures.
June 19, 2008
Terrible service
Here you will find the links for viewing my picture. one year prior to having met Dr. Sydey Coleman. The colored in the white blouse, was what I handed to him and asked for him to make my lips look like that. And also to minimize fine lines around the outer corners of my eyes. He mutilated different areas of my body and face, without my consent or knowledge... just as he has with many other victims over the years.
Note my lips in the white blouse. They had been filled one year prior to meeting Coleman, by my plastic surgeon who had used Coleman's technique. Then observe how they ended up looking, after Sydney Coleman used his own technique.
The freaky pictures are from day one after surgery with Coleman... the very swollen over filled face and then... the saggy ones are from over a period of three years or so. It took forever to go down and when it did it was so lopsided and hideous, I looked like a Cro-Magnon woman.
June 19, 2008
Attempt to drown out Coleman mutilations
There is a blatant attempt to drown out proof of mutilations... by plastic surgeon "Dr. Sydney Coleman." Please post these links to pictures of these mutilations by him, so that people can find them. Will be adding more. Thank you...:)
2. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796705_BB0022.jpg.html
3. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796711_neckweb1.jpg.html
4. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796734_neckweb2.jpg.html
5. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796737_Slide1.jpg.html
6. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796743_Slide2.jpg.html
7. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796752_Slide3.jpg.html
8. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796758_Slide4.jpg.html
9. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796761_Slide5.jpg.html
10. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796764_Slide22.jpg.html
12. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796777_Slide32.jpg.html
13. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796780_Slide42.jpg.html
14. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796781_Slide52.jpg.html
15. http://www.imagehosting.com/show.php/1796782_Slide82.jpg.html
June 7, 2008
Abuse of board
We have our complaints listed under Dr. Sydney Coleman about Dr. Sydney Coleman and pages 18, 19 and 20 have been taken over by Media, All Happy Coleman Patients and Patients of Coleman. Each page is a duplication of of the prior. I believe it is the same person who is overwhelming the site, making if difficult for those wanting to learn of our stories sof mutilation by him. Is is possible to stop this? If not people will stop viewing and sharing.
Please let Michelle the Administrator who has been waiting for my pictures to post for me... know that I have sent her an e-mail with my before and after pictures for our post. It will help all if these are posted right away. C The momentum cannot be stopped... please help us to keep it going?
Thank you, Corey Taylor Clegg...:)
Have a great day. This site is so awesome.
March 24, 2008
Has anyone had a bad experience with the Lipostructure procedure performed by someone other than Dr. Sydney Coleman in New York??
Several have been disfigured by Coleman.
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