My son had severe diarhea and was complaining of pains in his side. It turns out that he had a staph infection of his intestines that the hospital staff said could have killed him if left un-treated. We had to take him to the ER because the person at the front desk of the doctor's office where I'd been bringing my son for nine years told me that they couldn't see him unless I paid the $10 copay first. I told her that I didn't have it and she said "We can't bill insurance until you pay the $10 copay, so we can't see your son today without the copay"
Does anyone else out there see how very sick this is? Am I the only one who thinks that sending a 10-year-old child away to die without giving it a second thought is something satanic, to say the least? And I have never carried a bill with this doctor for nine years! A nine year relationship with both of my kids, and they send my son away to die.