Dr.Alfred Adams

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Dr.Alfred Adams Reviews

Alex May 10, 2011
Dr. Adam's has now taken down his NEARING MIDNIGHT Myspace! You guys Rawk!!! If you all would please direct all your comments to [email protected] now. Oh he also has a website WWW.NEARINGMIDNIGHT.COM and other associates. Thanks to all of you! We need to stop people wo would use religion for there perverted fantasies... I can't tell you all enough how much I appreciate what you all have done!!! Thanks for the support. I ran across Dr. Adams...myspace.com/nearingmidnight and he preached a good game. This man...he was about the sexual persuasions of other omen, he was strongly making sexual advances in comments...christian of him isn't it. The man can talk the talk but couldn't walk the walk. He made me turn down a 65, 000 assignment with the promise of a job with him. When it came down to it...he blocked me. He's scum. No money...and now he's runnin' from me. Nice for a doctor of divinity...contacting girls for sexual discussions and sending false pics of himself...ps they're not him they are of his best friend He lives at home with his mom...and that bus on his profile...NOT HIS. I caught on 3 days ago and I want to put this out there to protect others... Here is my entire story...I'm crying my eyes out because my life has been jerked out from underneath me. For no reason at all...I wanted Doc Adams to be honest with me about what has been going on...This is a long letter I wrote to 2 parties about what has been going on between Doc and I. If you feel compelled to write him after you read this...go to HTTP:// WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NEARINGMIDNIGHT But please I ask you to formulate your own opinions... I want you to read what I wrote to L@@...Dr. Adams manager or whatever she is. I want to let you know what I have said to her and what has been going on with me and Dr. Adams to make sure that he doesn't lie to anyone about anything. I am and always has been a very open and honest person. I would never lie to anyone about anything and that's what probably gets me into a lot of trouble...because I am to honest with people. I have made a few mistakes in my life. I'm the first person to tell folks that. I'm not perfect. But I would never lie about what I've done. I made 2 internet porn films that I regret all in 1 weekend. I've shot implied nudes...topless and fetish as a model. Dr. Adams knew all of this before I even talked to him on the phone. And he accepted me. Honestly..when I sent you the friend request I had no intention of saying any of this to you or get you caught up in this mess because I didn't think any of this was ever going to happen...I really just wanted to be your friend just like I wanted to be L## friend. I'm a very nice and now a much more spiritual person. But early this morning I noticed that Doc was gone from my top 24...when I went to send him an email to ask him what was going on...I found that I had been blocked from my modeling port. So I went to my acting port. Emailed him from there...he blocked me from there too. So this is what I wrote to L@###... Well babydoll...I guess everyone was right about Dr. Adams and I was wrong. I had faith in him...he made promises to me that he couldn't keep. He said that he would give me $11, 000.00 by tomorrow in a FedEx for my job as a personal assistant $5, 000.00 a month and $6, 000.00 for the money I lost to a con artist who stole my money recently. He going to employ me as his personal assistant for $60, 000.00 a year. You want to know how I found out? Thru him blocking me on both of my myspace accounts. He's a liar and it's sick. I guess he was trying to use me for what... I have no idea. I did nothing to him but trying to live my life right. Do you really want to know what makes me sick to my stomach...he told me to not do any of my bookings that he would provide for me. Why would someone like him play a game with someone and try to ruin them? He has ruined me financially. I haven't done a booking in a month and was depending on this money to recoup my losses. I know that you probably won't answer this and I hope that you do. He told me to not talk to you because you're jealous for no reason. He said that you were like a jealous groupie...that's why you slept with C$$$ cuz you couldn't get to him...not once but twice and that C$$$$ said that the pussy was good. Now why would why a God fairing man tell a person that on their new walk with God? He told me on more than one occasion after the tour that you looked like Kurt Russell with hair. Why would he say that? He's said a lot of mean and nasty things about a lot of people. He told me that he would handle you because of the statement you made to me about he bikini pics...he said that you had bikini pics in your port not but 2 weeks before so he would handle you. He said that you had said previously that you had said that you wanted to take showers with him and get him clean in ALL of his parts. Said that you had a boyfriend in Iraq and was cheating on him...and then he said that you were cheating on him with a guy 2 hours away from where you both worked... I don't think its fair that he's doing this to me and probably you too. Would he say things to you? He told me that I was going to be his wife in 2 years...I would laugh it off and say it was incest and that I would tell his mom. That's why if you look on this port...it says Darien Adams C%%%%. Adams was for him having to justify the pay for the movie...but you'll read a little more towards the bottom. He's talked all sexual with me on the IM and I ignore him...is that a man of God? I use to say things like...'is there anything I could do to make him smile'...and he would say 'Do you have a free hand...and a glove?' And oh yeah this one is great...'I love to cuddle but in the mornings I'll have a hard dick rubbin' against your ass'. 'I jacked off at night'. Is that what a Godly man says? The funny thing is...I had a witness to everything he was writing me...they were reading it as he was writing them because I couldn't believe my eyes. He would show me pics of his body...and make comments about needing condoms in a large size. How he would knock the bottom out of women. Why would I want to listen to stuff like this? I turned my back to porn 2 years ago. I can't believe I let another person lie to me...L$##... I have faith in people and I thought I could trust Dr. Adams because he was a 'Man of God'. What's worse than this...NOTHING CAN BE WORSE THAN KNOWING THAT I CAN'T BELIEVE IN CLERGY... I never said anything to him...I just wanted him to do what he said he was going to do. I didn't think it was wrong to ask someone to be honest with me. Doc has lied to me about everything...probably about the movie too. He has told me that he had a part for me in the movie the 'sherry' reporter part...he said that I should change my name to his last name so he could justify giving me $200, 000 for the 'Nearing Midnight' movies. He also told me that Morgan Freeman and Jessica Biel were going to be in the movie...is that all a lie too? Did he lie about everything? Is A##### really his girlfriend? Does he really have the tour bus in his port? Are you getting paid for your work? I'm going to CC this to A#####...I think something is just wrong here. I can't believe someone like him would do this me. I'm not a playtoy to ruin...I'm crying my eyes out here! What he did has totally devistated me not just financially but morally too. I just want you to know that I didn't have anything against you L$#@...Doc just told me to not talk to you anymore because it would cause me and him problems because of you being jealous and psychotic. I don't know what to believe...I don't want you to judge me based on what I look like in pics because that's not what I look like on an everyday basis. I'm speculating..but I think when Doc realized that I wasn't going to give him any...that's when he cut me loose. I'm in a relationship already...I don't need anything or anyone else. I am a faithful person...always has been. I thought that I could honestly believe in someone for once...I thought he was real. I wanted to let you know what has been happening...deep down inside I knew he was a fraud and he really didn't want to help me by being by my side during my walk...I just didn't want to believe it. I wanted to have faith. I just wanted it. I wanted someone to be real for once and for people to do what they say they're going to do. I don't know what he has said about me but I guarantee it probably isn't true. Please write me or you can call me..this is my cell please tell me when or if you would like to talk to me. 6######### I'm sorry for whatever he has ever told you... love always alex This is what I wrote to his A#@#$ If the man could be trusted...why would he do all of this? I know things about you and your cousin I shouldn't know. Isn't that sick...he's said so much stuff to me it'll make your head swim and your stomach turn. ie...your cousin is a beautiful girl that he use to mess with a while ago...he gave her thousands of dollars...and she came back to him recently asking him to buy her a new escalade...and give her 20 or 30 thousand dollars the same thing she asked your dad to do. She's divorced...blah blah blah He couldn't wait for you to come over so he could get some booty...and you said 'people don't know how nasty you really are' blah blah blah. You live around the corner from him...you've been over to his house now 3 times in the past week...you've never been around money so this is all new to you and you can't handle it. I don't know if this is true or not. For all I know he could have made up lies about all of us. Does he live in a mansion? Does he have all of these cars even tho he can't drive because of his eye site? I don't know what to believe out of him. Like I said before...I am very honest about what goes on with me. I have nothing to loose...Hell L%$# is probably laughing at me because she's always lusted after the man from what I've been told now whether or not it's true remains to be seen. I have nothing to hide from anyone. I believe in the freedom of information...I believe that when one person is deceived than all who are involved could be being deceived also. Formulate your own opinion from this...but this is what has happened to me with Dr. Adams thus far. I hope that he would be good to you and L$## because God knows he wasn't good to me. I don't know what his excuses will be to you about this. (This part was edited)I've been in an on and off relatonship for a short time. So he can't use the excuse that 'she wants me and can't have me'. And Lord knows it isn't about the money...because I WAS working until this last month and was depending on that 11, 000 to pay my bills off for the next 2 months while I was travelling with him in Georgia and Texas. I'll be CC this to L##@ so that she knows what I told you so that nothing gets misconstrude. I'm sorry about saying all of this...maybe all of this is immature to you ... I just wanted to stand up for myself because this isn't right to mess up someone's life like this. Now I'm out $11, 000...no job and no movie from him...because of him I pissed away a $65, 000 a year news anchor job with P#@#s n$#@# n%^%..a $25, 000 centerfold shoot...a $3, 000 rock video deal...and 5 movies...3 nearing midnight movies for $200, 000 per movie...and 2 other movies...one was a comedy where I would play a supporting character again...(the stripper part)...and I can't remember what the other one was. That's a lot of money to be out of all in one night. See why I said my world has been yanked out from under me. Wonder why I'm crying so much. I feel like I want to just die...I had my hopes and dreams and faith riding on him. I believed in what he said to me. I'm sure your going to block me too...he'll tell you to. If you don't believe me...you can call me too and talk to the person that has witness all of the emails and IM's from him...hell I even had his butt on speaker phone a few times because I was happy to have him on my side...finally someone who believed in me for once. still you friend if you want me to be, alex Seriously...I don't know anything...this man shook my foundations not only spiritually...naa who am I kidding. He broke my spirit. I believed in him...it takes a lot to get me to believe in a person like Dr. Alfred Adams. I have faith...and sometimes that blinds me from the truth. I can't see the forrest from the trees because I want to believe. I've blown magazine deals because he told me to not book anything. I ask again...why would a man of the cloth do this to a person. Why would he want to see me hurt like this...why would he use religion as a shield to hide his true self under so I wouldn't see him for what and who he really is. This people...is what I call devastating. I lost a best friend...and now this all in a couple of weeks. I'm hating life right now and I'm throwing myself a pity party by writing this...although therapeutic it won't get me the jobs back...my faith in people back...my honesty back...and spiritually I'm crushed. I have sacrificed so much for Dr. Adams and this is how I get treated. When he gets put on the spot about $11, 000.00 what does he do? Instead of paying it...he gets rid of me because its easier. He crushed my dreams and hopes for a better life...I just give up on the belief that there is someone out there that believes in me. I give up on the belief that you get rewarded for good behavior. I give up on the idea that anyone who has a past like mine will ever get out and away from it because that's all people like Doc Adams want people like me for no different than a casting couch just this one is wrapped up in a cloth and spouts out Bible verses and knows the book of Revelations. I should say that I don't believe in people anymore but I won't, I just don't TRUST people anymore and DAMN you Dr. Alfred Adams for taking that part of my innocense away from me. After I have sat back...and stepped outside of the box...I have realized that he probably never had any intention of sending me money for my part as personal assistant or the extra $6000.00 for my loss from the con artist. There was probably no part for any movies or no part as his personal assistant. I am gullable because I have faith and I get kicked in the teeth... A man of God...I don't think so...he's no man of God...he's just another book author under the guise of real Christianity...he's a faker and fakers still know their Bible inside and out and that don't mean a hill of beans. Christianity is in the actions of the person on the inside and out. Not spitting back the Bible verbatum. Dr. Alfred Adams gives Christianity a bad name...in my opinion...and it's mine ...not to influence anyone else's so please formulate your own opinions from this. I'm sorry that all I ever write about are the bad things...but seriously...I am a person full of faith and easily fooled. This is just therapeutic for me...to write out my feelings and say what I feel... it makes me feel better and get thru this difficult time. Thanks for your time..

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