The cover of this brandnew sequell of Kungfu Panda is really misleading! It say's 'A brandnew adventure of Po ' but it is nothing more then some short clips and games, I bought this dvd for my 5 year old son's birthday and he was really dissapointed! I gladly want to pay 17 euro for a movie but not for this documentary, because that's what it is! This is the first time in years I have the feeling that someone tries to steel money out of my pocket and they succeeded! I first thought I forgot to check if there was a second disc in the box, sometimes there are two disc movies and disc two is often the disc with extra's and behind the scenes and other stuff. Well now I payed the full prize for disc two without disc one the actual movie, the sequell that ' Dreamworks 'already launched on the first edition, in movietheatres and other media! It is scandalous and a fraude to mislead kids like my little boy, he was asking and asking for months when this sequell was coming in the shops! Please if someone of Dreamworks reads this, please think about it and feel free to contact me, I am open for any discussion. For now I rest my case,
Have a nice weekend, greets from rainy Belgium,
Bert Voordeckers