These companies are scamming people out of money for free trials and illegally posting charges against consumers credit cards etc once they get the consumer to accept the FREE TRIAL.
You can not return the FREE TRIAL for a refund if you actually OPEN IT AND TRY IT, then further Bromolite hands over all your personal information including credit card information etc to Fitness factory and they inturn start billing you a 29.95 fee ( one you did not authorize and were totaly unaware of ) In my case I had no clue of the charge that appeared on my card from : Life Style and Fitness, I had to call my cc company and find out what it was; Bromolite was kind enough to fork over my cc info and as far as I can tell Fitness Factory illegally charged my account and Bromolite / DRI * had no right in giving my or anyone elses information out to anyone. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE TRIAL FOR BROMOLITE .. not fitness factory diet membership add on !!!
Even if you cancel within the alotted amount of time you will most certainly have charges post against your account because they already have your billing info and then you have to go through hell to get them removed. Bromolite does not even give you a packing bill slip in your FREE TRIAL so you have NO CLUE who to call UNTIL its too late and they already charge you then monthly fee ( even though your still within the Free Trial period and in my case the product was returned and already accepted by their return center.) Make sure when you return to send Certified mail so you have both a Tracking number and someone has to sign stating they accepted your return !!!
EVERYONE LISTEN UP ... You all need to contact your ATTORNEY GENERAL and THE NEWS MEDIA to get these scam companies shut down !!!