Same issue as everyone else stated on this website. I stupidly believed the ad that showed Oprah and Rachel Ray and decided to order a free trial of Bromalite. Got the free trial and a few days later noticed a charge for $69.95 on my credit card. Called 866-897-0663 and after waiting 20 minutes on hold I spoke to a cust service rep who issued my credit, canceled the order and gave me a conf #.
However, be aware that by ordering this free trial - apparently you automatically get signed up for A $29.95 charge showed up for this on my account. It's apparently a diet support site and it's a monthly charge. They claim it's in the terms and conditions on the FRAUDULENT Bromalite website when you order. After telling this cust serv person 3 times I wanted a refund and for the account to be canceled - she also gave me a refund, cancellation and conf #. To cancel this one call: 866-407-1022
AcaiBerry - same thing - ordered free trial and then $87.13 showed up on my account. Call 866-949-0138 to cancel this order and get your refund.
Good luck everyone - these guys are crooks. I've learned my lesson that's for sure!