I ordered a free sample of skin products over the internet at the end of January and was asked for my credit card number to pay $4.95 shipping charges. I never received the samples. On the same day I was charged $29.95US for some products that I did not ask for or order and I did not receive. Another order was charged to my account on Fen.16th for $79.95US for something I didn't order and didn't receive. The same thing happened on March 4th. I phoned the company this morning and was told they would not reimburse me for any thing except for the March 4th charge because the others were over 30 days ago. I was told I didn't put my complete address in the form when I paid the $4.95 US shipping charges and that's why I didn't receive anything.
I went to the CIBC bank in Prince Rupert, BC and talked to Millie who phoned the people in charge of fraud who advised me to call the company back again and tell them they had 15 days to reimburse me for everything or they would be dealing with their company on my behalf. It worked. The cancellations should show up in 10-12 days.
Raven cancelled March 4th- cancellation# 7EB714 Kathleen J Williams
Raven cancelled Jan.30th-cancellation # 2D5FC 313 7th Ave East, Prince Rupert BC V8J 2H9
Jessica cancelled Feb.13th- cancellation #7EB714 250-627-8620