On or about 11/20/08, I became aware of a weight loss product: advertised as A TWO-PRODUCT SPECIAL, PAY S&H ONLY. The items came in: 2-bottles of capsules that essentlially looked the same with slightlydifferent directions (1@2x/day-1 in a.m. & 1 in p.m.with water; 1@2x/day-with water), however I received no shipping document with the delivery, no billing, trial (as I find out now) nor return information, nor invoice information was shipped with the product: just two bottles in a padded envelope. Further I did not receive via follow-up mail nor email, an invoice/receipt or other document spelling out terms that were not part of the call I made to get the product. I say I called - which I did - as it somewhat ensures that there is no identity fraud via email links; however now I believe even calling this order in did not protect me (details to follow). While this was indeed a two bottle/product trial offer, I am now advised when calling today about charges that were not authorized, not known about, and additional charges from a company that I had never heard of but find they are somehow linked to DRI*AcaiaSlim (determined by looking at the "fit-fac.com" website) that this was definately other than a trial offer. According to the person on the phone --- who I waited a LONG time to finally get to talk to, that if I had read the fine print (on what? the website of course!) I would know that I only had 30-days to call and cancel, else I was automatically enlisted into the full program!!!
I found that though taking these two products faithfully and as directed I saw neither a weight gain NOR LOSS, and therefore did not plan to order in the future; just stopped taking them. Had I been provided any receipt to work from, I may have known to call within 30-days; I did not. Until my new credit card statement this week I expected only to find the one $4.95 charge, and that would be that. Instead, not only did I find the $4.95 charge on my credit card, but several others that were not authorized/approved, nor were products received. Using the telephone phone number found on my billing statement I placed a call - where I was being directed to email a web site; I chose to wait.
When I called today for explanations I was treated rather rudely, and I found I in turn got rude. I tried to explain nicely, and then repeated over and over that if I have no documentation detailing all of these "hooks" to a program: 30-day window, $80 fee after that; automatically in program repeated monthly, etc., how am I to know about them? If I did not have any documents, nor easy way to search for the information via computer, how could I know I had to call before December 26th 2008 to not be charged the $79.95 for two small bottles of a product that produces NO RESULTS at all.
I concurred with the $4.95 fee, but I do not agree to pay additional charges for the Nov-Dec 08 period in the following amounts: $34.95, DRI*PowerTea; $79.95, DRI*AcaiaSlim. With no documents, invoices, email notifications, or otherwise I had NO IDEA AT ALL that there was any minimimum period of trial; that ordering the one-time 2-product special would drop me into a recurring program, and further, would sell my credit card information to another company from which I have done NO business at all. Yes, it appears they did indeed sell/share? my credit card information as there is an additional charge for "www.fit-fac.com" in the amount of $19.95. In looking at the web site listed I find that it appears to be closely united with AcaiaSlim: look for yourself. I was told I had to call the other number regarding that charge. I was told I would get a $79.95 credit for a shipment that went out 31 Dec 08 that I have not received, but not for the one in Nov-Dec: I will be pursuing this with the credit card company if necessary to not pay. If AcaiaSlim wants what is left of their product returned to them, I'd be glad to do so.
At the very least this company should assume some responsibility for providing new, potential customers with a receipt-either via email, packing insert, or US mail. Not doing so compromises the ability of anyone trying the DRI*AcaiaSlim product line from knowing the terms, having the ability to know where to call with questions, and definately to cancel if they feel that the deal they were getting was not a deal after all.
In no way do I agree with additional charges on my billing, nor do I agree that I should pay AcaiaSlim nor fit-fac for the charges not authorized by me. Like many others writing to this site and other state Better Business Bureaus, I am writing to you to advise that I feel this is indeed some kind of a big money rip-off. I want the funds CREDITED BACK TO MY ACCOUNT NOW - two charges of $79.95, one for $34.95, and the "fit-fac" $19.95 charge I will be forced to pursue this through other avenues. THANK YOU, Antoinette (Toni) Spalding (313) 331-5041