April 26, 2011. They had promised her a key to try to unlock the door ($50, 000 house make over) for each of us an a $200 gift card for restaurants in our area. We got got $100 gift card for each of us but you have to go on line to get a coupon printed out for a % that does not even make it worth getting.
My sister wanted to know about getting the catalogue so she could look at the things since her eye is not very good. They kept telling us that when we were a members we would get to see them. They kept changing amounts for membership an the # of months but did not get an answer about canceling so it was just more confusing I kept telling each one that cane over to talk to us that we would have to make sure my sister could see the things or it would not be any good at all. They absolutely ushered people in an out like a pen of cattle.
Yes we paid the membership fee started low for 1 year then changed to another amount for 18 months. Then next thing he says let him go talk to some one came back with a different amount for 2 years. He started to write it down then well you all have been so good he wanted to ash someone else. So then he came back with with a $1890 for 3 years. It is no good to either of us because it is too far to travel to BestBuy an we can not see the things online. I have called an left messages but have got only return call that the person was to find out something for me an I HAVE NOT GOT A CALL SINCE, that is except someone wanting to give me a 30 day free pass. What I would like to know why we did not get one then and let us check up on things for us