Unauthorized charges showed up on my bank statement from DRI*Trend Micro (No phone number was shown). Amt was $69.95, charged on 4-8-2010. I haven't done business with them since 2006, and my card number has changed at least twice since then, so they should not have my current card number! I am not using their software. I want a refund. This caused service charges on my account.
Charges also showed up from Quicken Online Backup 3-29-2010, $149.95, and that one caused a whole chain of overdraft fees, $32 each transaction. I discontinued their service last year when my computer crashed and was replaced. They had a very hard time restoring my data, and it was corrupt when restored. This is the second time they've charged me for Online Backup since I discontinued the service. Last time I got a refund in 3 days. This time they were argumentative and it will take 3-4 weeks to get a refund!
Needless to say, I've had to put a block on my account and changed all the relevent data, the card number, etc...
I want my money back from these companies, things are very tight financially now, and with the fees the banks are charging, the amounts taken plus the fees run up quite a bill. What these companies are doing is illegal, and I want it taken care of.
Thank you