I ordered 6 feline vaccines from www.drsfostersmith.com and payed more than $30.00 for the delivery, expecting that for the amount thay were charging to send them to me the vaccines will arrive refrigerated, since this is a condition vaccines MUST be kept under, otherwise they don't work. Today I received them in a cardboard box, with 2 little bags of unfrozen gel and the vaccines were completely under room tamperature. I immediatelly called the customer service and they told me that the vaccines are fine. I assume that they believe that we are all ignorants and that we don't know about how delicate products vaccines are.
When I asked them about a solution they told me that I have to send the vaccines back to them and that they will send me "another" ones and that I have to pay for the delivery again, but that they will be sent under the same conditions, that they didn't have any special containers to send them in that will avoid the low temperature the vaccines need not to change.
I'm writting this to warn all the pet owners that are planning to buy vaccines from this store to think about it again, since the product (sent under that conditions) won't work, and the Foster and Smith store won't give you your money back. Thank you.