I have done a lot of research on this scam websites for addiction related Interventions. I spoke to countless victims who got scammed specially in Southern California. This is my report;
if they operate with an 800, 877, 866 number then they are definitely a money making operation. even the well known interventionists like Ken Seeley who is an ego maniacal, narcissist will take you to the cleaners and behave like he now runs your family. if you make the mistake of hiring a lot of these ego maniacs they will clean your bank account and if things don't turn out well they will blame it on the " Dysfunctional family" or the sick, alcoholic addict you are trying to help. They will blame anybody but themselves. I would suggest websites with legitimate numbers( local prefixes) that can be tracked down and speak only to the Director who would be happy to provide references of successful interventions. Remember; the bigger the name, the bigger the ego maniac behind it. STAY AWAY FROM THE 800- 877- 866 number SCAMS. THEY ARE BOILER ROOM OPERATIONS and the phone is always answered by a pressure salesperson who will not leave you alone after you call.