YOU SOLD ME THREE BAD MOTHERBOARDS! Do you even check the components you pull?!?
Board #1: no AGP port, although the board should have an AGP port
Board #2: DOA
Board #3: (the replacement) fails to boot properly
On 12-6-05 (order number 3xxxx I ordered two L4IGEM2 motherboards from you. One worked but lacked an AGP port. Since the motherboard had on-board video, I ignored the lack of AGP. The second board was DOA, and I RMA-ed the board (#3xxxx) AT MY SHIPPING EXPENSE back to you. It took you three weeks to send a new board, although there is a chance it was lost in shipping and you did send out a replacement.
Here's the problem: after several attempts to make the replacement board work, I am forced to conclude that it too is bad. In a few attempts it would boot, but then crash. After several attempts to determine if the CPU, memory, or power supply (a cotagen PS which was also from you) was the cause, the motherboard simply failed to boot properly!
YOU SOLD ME THREE BAD MOTHERBOARDS! Do you even check the components you pull?!?
Board #1: no AGP port, although the board should have an AGP port
Board #2: DOA
Board #3: (the replacement) fails to boot properly
I am reporting this to resellerratings, cnet, and ratings, as well as posting this in several hardware related sites. If you wish to make this right, please contact me by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 702-xxx-xxxx and I will gladly retract my ratings.