In case some of you have not heard this guy that ripped us off is back in business. I have posted the information below. He is still in california doing loan modifications and is still able to charge up front money because the company is under the jurisdiction of DELAWARE.
As I understand it this is acceptable and done by companies all the time.
How does this make you feel? I can tell you I am F#*K ing pissed! crooks like STEPHEN PARZIGAIN
needs to be STOPPED and punished ! I have more information if you are interested. I plan on pursuing this crook.
Business Entity Detail
Data is updated weekly and is current as of Friday, March 12, 2010. It is not a complete or certified record of the entity.
Entity Number: C3262254
Date Filed: 12/02/2009
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: DELAWARE
Entity Address: 16192 COASTAL HWY
Entity City, State, Zip: LEWES DE 19958
Agent for Service of Process: STEPHEN K PERZIGIAN
Agent Address: 211 N VICTORY BLVD
Agent City, State, Zip: BURBANK CA 91502
* Indicates the information is not contained in the California Secretary of State's databas