Employee 123 responded to a complaint I posted regarding Dunn & Russell.
First of all, she posted my name which is ILLEGA!!!
Second, she lied throughout her posting only to protect HERSELF, afterall, she was a Dunn & Russell employee.
They NEVER got me an apporval and I NEVER refused to speak to my current lender. That is a Lie through and through. If I refused to speak with my lender I would have lost my home over a year ago.
Again, she is protecting herself. My husband and I are looking into our legal options for her using our name and defermation of character.
Again, we started with Dunn Russell in April 2009, gave them $2950.00, was told by Dunn Russell we were approved in the last week of July 2009 and Nothing, NO NOTHING ever came of it. They took our money and nothing came of it.
In March 2010 we finally got things back to normal but that has NOTHING to do with the MONEY they took from us and promises they made. We had to scramble to make things right.
Joan if I were you, I would watch what I say because it could come back to haunt you. I have the documentation and proof to prove you wrong.
Good luck to all of you who are trying to get money back; it's not going to happen.
Hopeless from Illinois.