A couple of years ago I was looking for a computer for my daughters. e_machines had an add for a decent desktop with a huge - $300.00 - rebate. I bought the computer and sent in the paperwork within the alloted time. I waited several months for the check and finally received a letter denying the rebate. The denial made no sense, it was full of jargon and numeric codes. I wrote back - they denied. This went on several times. Each time they denied the claim they gave a different excuse. I did everything exactly as they listed it on the paperwork. I should have received the rebate. Instead I was ripped off by a small time maker of a mediocre computer.
By the way, I received the rebate from Lexmark that I filed the same day. I bought the printer the same day as the rest, mailed them together, and had no problems with Lexmark. Both companies had the same deadlines and requirements.