Mary E.
April 7, 2009
Unauthorized charge
They suckered me too. Two weeks ago they got their $1.97 for the "Google Income Treasure Chest" info, which never came. Today there's a charge for $72.21 on my checking account, which they accessed through my debit card number. The card's been canceled and the transaction placed in dispute. Just wondering if Google knows about this? I will notify the California attorney general about these frigging crooks.
January 6, 2009
fake site/unauthorized charges
I was stupid and did not research this first and I know better than that!!! After signing up for a "free" starter kit, with a $1.00 "shipping fee", I first did not receive a confirmation email, which was the first red flag. Secondly, I logged on to the site link provided, used the provided username and password, and got a site told me that I had also signed up for "fraud protection" and "prevent ID theft" for a free trial period after which I would be charged $4.95 a month for one and $7.99 a month for the other or something like that if I did not cancel. Also the original offer would be $29.95 a month if I did not cancel. I did not read anything like that in the online offer, and I tried to find any hidden small print. There were phone numbers provided in the event I wanted to cancel, and luckily I copied and pasted into a text document (one thing I did right), because when I tried to access the site again, I got a blank page! THEN I found THIS site...and could not believe I had been so stupid. I tried the first number and he gave me a different number which was conveniently not available except during regular office hours.
They prey on desperation! The people who can least afford it are the ones who most need what they appear to offer! They should fry in Hell.