On the day I ordered flowers from Proflowers, a charge of $1.00 from "Encore Marketing" showed up on my credit card account. The day after, a charge of $1.95 from "Easy Saver" showed up. It is unfortuate for the involved companies that on these days I did no other shopping, because I was home during a blizzard, and I knew I had not made any purchase on these days, other than the flowers from Proflowers.
I immediately did a search for Easy Saver online, and the first links that come up are all for complaint sites. Alarmed, I read the complaints and figured out I had just been scammed.
I went to EasySaver.com to see what this company was. I couldn't get any information without logging in. But I never signed up! I never created a password! So, I tried to log in anyway, to see what would happen. I used my email address and password I created with Proflowers - and guess what? That was it! I got in and immediately went to "cancel" my "membership". It allowed me to cancel and stated I would not be FURTHER charged. My issue is, that I had already been charged for something I did NOT order, nor did I give them my credit card information (so they had to have gotten it from Proflowers). I wanted my money back. And, I was angry because I realized there must be millions of people paying these initial charges and then apparently monthly charges of $14.95 per month, without becoming aware of it for a while.
I called my mother-in-law, who had sent me flowers via Proflowers just a month before, and told her to look for these charges. She had them too, plus one from "Free Shipping", and had gotten her first monthly fee of $14.95. I don't think she would have been aware of it if I had not found this out.
After calling Proflowers, who insisted that I must have "clicked on" an ad or something and "ordered" this Easy Saver service (which I absolutely did NOT), they gave me some numbers to call for Easy Saver and I found numbers for the other two online. We called all these companies (even Free Shipping, who had charged mom, but not me yet) and demanded our money back. After going through a lot of people and talking to managers and threating to sue, we got Easy Saver to reverse the charge. I am closing my credit card account now, because so far I know at least three companies have it that I did not authorize.
Proflowers is very aware of what they are doing and what kinds of "advertising" they have on their site. It is very misleading. You think you are giving Proflowers your email address for a coupon or something...and they give your credit card number to these other companies - who sell nothing but SCAM! They are all linked together.
After this nightmare, I went to Proflowers.com to read their Privacy Policy. It is very difficult to find and understand. It is within their "terms and conditions" and labeled as " License Granted By You"
This is the copied text of that section:
License Granted by You
By providing, submitting, uploading any communications, reviews, comments, feedback, postings, materials, or other content for use on any of our Sites (“User Content”), (a) you represent and warrant that you or the owner of all rights to such User Content and that such User Content does not violate our Acceptable Use Policy (below), and (b) you hereby grant us, and agree to grant us, an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) in all languages to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, prepare derivative works of, modify, sell and otherwise exploit all or any part of the User Content in our sole discretion by any method now existing or later developed, subject to our Privacy Policy. Subject to our Privacy Policy, any User Content will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and may be disseminated or used by us for any purpose, including, but not limited to, developing, creating, manufacturing or marketing products or services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, User Content that is Feedback will be assigned to Provide Commerce in accordance with the Section on Feedback below.
Notice Part B of this section. If you don't understand legal-eez, basically it states that they can and will share any and all information you provide them with anyone they want in the entire world!!!
There is a class action lawsuit against them in San Diego, California, in September 2009, where the company resides. Only in San Diego can a lawsuit be brought against them, even though they "sell" nationwide. This is also in the "terms and conditions". It's an interesting read - if you find experiencing RAGE against the crimes against humanity interesting!
Read about the class action lawsuit here: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/around-town/shopping/Complaints-Filed-About-ProFlowers.html
If the case is won - millions of people will likely be owed money! If you have been a victim, you will be notified if the case is won.