I too have been a victim of Easy Saver-EMI. In my case it went on for 11 months without my knowledge. I was deployed with the military and someone else was overseeing my checking/debit card account statements. They didn't realize this was an ongoing unauthorized charges, after I had ordered flowers through "FromYou Flowers.com".
Though, I see most of the complaints are affiliated with "ProFlowers.com' and their associates. I thought I'd mention that there are other companies that send credit card information to Easy Saver-EMI, as well without authorization. Additionally, I never received any emails or regular mail that I had become a member or authorized the monthly charges.
After, I returned from my deployment and saw these charges I immediately called 1-800-355-1837 and demanded to speak to a supervisor. Of course, there was the explanation that I had authorized the charges. I stated I wanted to see it in writing for the record. At this point, the supervisor said that wasn't possible. She offered to refund only 6 months and I said that wasn't acceptable and would report this. She then offered the full 11 months refund. I asked for a confirmation to be sent.
Below is the confirmation sent and will update on this site if the total refund isn't granted.
----- Original Message -----
[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:48 AM
Subject: Credit Confirmation
Mrs. XXX
This email will confirm our conversation today regarding the Easy Saver
Rewards membership. To reiterate our conversation, I have canceled the
membership and, as agreed, issued a total of 11 refunds in the amount of
$14.95 back to your credit card account. These refunds have been
requested today and if you do your banking online, you may see those
refunds as early as 48 hours.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Missy Baer