I am a victim of this company's deceptive practices as well. I contacted Easy Savers at 800-444-9491 and simply told them I wanted the account cancelled and all previous charges refunded to me. The lady I spoke with didn't give me any resistance which I was very suprised about and said the refund should be reflected on my account in 7 - 10 days. She did ask me what dates the charges were made which I had already written down so I gave her each date I was charged which totalled up to be $76.70.
This all started because I ordered flowers from proflowers.com for my wife for valentines day. The email reciept I recieved for confirmation of my order had a link on it to claim a "gift". When I clicked on the link it was a cupon for $15 off my next proflowers purchase. It's been too long for me to remember if I actually entered in my email and zip code to get the cupon or not but I still have the email and looking at it now the parameters in the url for the gift link contain the order number, my email address, and my zip code...so proflowers is passing all that info on to encore marketing (easy savers) when you click that link. Apparenly once you accept the cupon they also forward all of your account info as well so that Easy Savers can convieniantly set up your account for you...how thoughtful of them! Evidently somewhere in all the fine print it actually does state that by accepting the cupon you get enrolled in their service and will be charged a monthly fee until you cancel it but it is definately done in a very deceptive manner. If you are going to charge for a service it should be clearly stated and there should be some sort of confirmation so that you know you are going to be charged. I for one will never do buisness with proflowers again because of this mess.