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EasyJet Reviews

sema2910 October 6, 2010
Easyjet damaged Baggage
I was recently travelling through Europe and using easyjet to travel between country's...
On my flight from London to Amterdam, easyjet managed to break both of my suitcases. One of them had the side handle ripped off (brand new suitcase, 16.6kg weight) and had the locked riopped off...The other suitcase has the nibs fropm the zippers ripped off completely, so I had a suitcase with no zippers and a gaping hole...
I made a formal complaint right there and then and emailed easyjet the day after.I recieved an email back a few days later telling that someone from baggae would be in touch with in 7 days...
I had to purchase a new suitcase to replace the one with no zips cost me 40 euros.
Then 2 weeks later on a flight from Prague to London the suitcase I just bought had the top handle ripped off and the side strap ???????
WTF ?????
Seriously easyjet what are you doing?????
I made another complaint and got an automated reply telling me someone will contact me within 7 days./
it has been 3 weeks and not a word from easyjey.
They have ruined 3 suitcases $409 in value.
I am now taking them to small claims to get my money back.I will never fly with them again.
Mlott September 6, 2010
Cancellations and missed flights
Without Prejudice. I missed my easyJet flight due to a traffic jam at Luton Airport and the feeding needs of my 4 month old daughter. We approached the desk in Luton where a less than impressed man was giving limited information, perfecting the art of not looking at the customer when either he or the customer spoke and not offering anything outside of the direct answers (almost yes or no) to the questions he was asked. Then on calling the help line I was informed that I could deal with this issue and any refunds outside of the Airport. We left to avoid more of the excessive parking fees charged by Luton and for the benefit of my daughter. After another traffic jam, I called from home and, as was expected by the service I had come to rely on from easyJet I was charged 10p per minute for calls in which I was put on hold by staff to find out answers to questions they should know. I called 6 times and EACH time was told information that was then contradicted by the information given on the next call. One lady went so far as to blame the fact that the call centre in Ireland answered. Even associated call centres - the call centre answering for Ramada Glasgow Airport booking - were equally incapable and blamed another entity or gave another phone number. After 5 transfers on one call I was told to call easyJet again, even though easyJet had advised me to call the hotel. They told me they can't help and that "it is in the Terms and conditions"(even though I didn’t see it when I read through – not their problem I know…) that “I should have done this in the Airport” and when I said this is unbelievable and no wonder they made a television program about easyJet the gentleman on the other end, representing easyJet laughed! I understand the issue of lateness due to the Airport traffic and having a 4 month old that requires feeding regardless of easyJet’s policies is of little or no interest to easyJet or the airport However, I would have thought easyJet would have been greedier and had a flight following the one they could most expect people to miss (the early bird) with an expensive alternative. Furthermore, I would have thought Ramada would be more selective of who they associate to. I was refunded £11 pounds for tax so I only lost about £220 overall, 8 phone calls and 5 hours of chasing this issue up, £12.50 parking and missed an important business meeting in Glasgow. Maybe “Easy, if you don’t make any mistakes or life doesn’t get involved, Jet” or “Difficult Jet” for short might be an alternative name in the future…
TheConsumersChampion August 1, 2010
queues at gatwick
just got to gatwick with plenty of time for the 6:30 flight to munich but with the most ridiculous queue i have ever seen ot goes all the around the airport. There's no organisation of flights - boards all say 'all flights' in stead of priioritising them. The excuse that hss been given for this shambolic organisatiion is - too many flights with too many people have been booked. And once again it's impossible to find the number to complain. This is not acceptable easyjet.
westkingdrivers June 27, 2010
cancellation of flight
booked a flight to and from spain on the 1/6/10 via easyjet. On the 22/6/10 received notifiaction that inbound flight was cancelled and was offered a transfer or a full refund on the booking made as per'' A full refund of the cost of your flight and any directly related unflown sector within the same booking (if applicable), back to the original card your flight was paid with, or'' made request for full refund on the 22/6/10. afterall no point being out in Spain and not being able to return. no reply. made another request -no reply. etc etc . in the end rebooked for spain with easyjet on the 25/6/10. on the 26/6/10 received a reply from easyjet that only the inbound flight is refundable not the outbound flight. as it now stands i am leaving for spain twice and coming back once!! had they replied in a 'timely manner' i would not have booked again. have i misread thier policy or has anyone else out there had similar experiences?
sukisue June 26, 2010
unautherised payments
money has been taken out of my bank account for the last 2 months without my permission i would like to be imbursed and no further deductions from my bank
mr Duncan June 9, 2010
Well i am a popular entertainer living in Mallorca Spain, i was booked to fly to London to perform in a town hall, as i travel a lot doing shows around europe & America, anyway i had a great show, it was a great crowd & everyone was in fancydress, it was brilliant & i was made so welcome.

Then i went to stansted airport to fly home on sunday with easyjet, got there in plenty of time, then went to gate 6 to get on plane, it was a long que & they were just starting to call speedy boarding when my stomach was in severe pain & i noticed the toilet was right next to me so i could not wait till i got on the plane so i nipped into the toilet, while i was in there i heard to announcement saying all remaining passengers come to gate now, so i finished as quick as i could, washed my hands & came out, as i came out the toilet i saw one of the easyjet staff watching me, anyway as i got halfway there i saw him closing the metal barrier, then when i got to him, he said the gate was closed, well i laughed as i thought he was joking with me, then he said again that i was not getting through as the gate was closed, so i then said what do you mean, then the girl that was next to him said in a raised voice, , , are you deaf, he said the gate is closed, well i turned to her & said ..dont talk to me like that you stuck up bitch, then she kicked off cos i called her a bitch, ( wanted to call her worse than that, i mean how dare a girl who is younger than my own daughter talk to me like that) anyway she then dashed down the stairs to where the plane was, i then said to the guy that i wanted to see a manager to which he replied that he was the manager, i asked for his name, & he would not give it to me.

i tried to talk sense to him by pointing out the window to show him that the passengers were still climbing the stairs onto the plane & it would be quicker to put me on the plane than to find my suitcase to take off, but he just looked at me like shit & turned his back on me, , then he turned & he said he would tell me where to go to get my case & i told him i was not leaving till i got my case as i needed to know i got it as it had a very expensive Elvis suit & some of my musical stuff in it, so he said i must leave, i said no, then the bitch girl came back up, & he told her that i would not leave, so he told her to call the airport police to which i said, please do. anyway it took about 20 minutes before the police arrived, so first off they were giving thier statement to the police which i could hear, then i could not believe it when they started lying & saying so much crap to the police, i tried to butt in but the police said they would get my statement in a minute, then the no name manager (asian guy?) said i assulted him, i just stood there saying unbelievable.

sorry trying to make this as short as possible?

Anyway the police started taking my statement & when i looked behind the police i saw the no name easyjey manager bastard winking at me & laughing, well as you can imagine i lost it & shouted at him, the police told me to calm down & i pointed out to the police that he was behind them taking the piss, when the police turned round he had his hands out saying, what, i think the police believed me there.

Anyway long story shorter? the police said he was not charging me with assult to which i replied he couldnt charge me anyway as there are security cameras everywhere in the airport & they can check the footage & see he was a lying bastard.

The airport police were good guys, think they were on my side as they were very helpfull.

But i was talking about getting back to mallorca & they said that the no name easyjet manager said he had banned me from easyjet & cant fly with them anymore?

so because they would not let me on the plane they made the poor tourists sit on the plane for over an hour till they found my case, & delaying the flight, because when the police were giving me a lift to the main terminal the poilce car was next to my plane which was still there & not pushed back & this was now 1 hour & 20 minutes after it should have flown, wish i could contact some of the passengers to let them know why thier flight was delayed.

So i was stuck in london on sunday night & had to pay 200 pounds to get a flight back on monday with ryanair, so im now in the middle of writing a compaint letter to easyjet & if i dont get the right response then this story will be going every newspaper.

nobody should have to put up with that kind of customer sevice, if you dont like working with the public, find another bloody job, but i would love to meet that no name asian easyjet manager on a quiet street, the bastard.
so that was my exiting weekend.
john272 May 7, 2010
ticket refund
We were forced to cancel our flight from Sofia to UK due to the volcanic
problems last month and were forced to take a 3 days bus ride home at our own expense, we are a family of 5. We put in our claim to Easyjet just for the refund of the return airfare and were advised that we would be informed shortly as to this, todate we have not heard one word from this company, we paid out over £1000 to return home and would just like some of our money back, why should I pay an exobadent amount of money to contact them our their customer services phone, ie £1.50 per minute plus call about 5 minutes.
Surely they are responsible to contact me, they do not have a ny other telephone numbers to contact them on.
jadepanther May 5, 2010
damaged luggage
we flew into glasgow airport on sat 1st may 2010, as soon as we got to luggage carousel we phoned the airparks bus to come for us and take us to our car, the luggage took ages to come out, i had my 2yr old grandson who was not happy, our luggage finally appeared but one of our matching cases was practically missing the top of it, the extending handle had been ripped completely out of it, the bus was waiting with other people on it so i had to go to bus, the bus driver and passengers commented on the state of the case and so did the man at the desk in the airpark, i tried phoning when i got home, calls cost 10p a min, but after about an hour got nowhere, even getting through to a human was not happening, as it was a bank holiday monday i decided to wait till tuesday, i phoned and was finally given the number for the luggage handlers who are calledMENZIES BAGGAGE who are situated next to domestic arrivals, the yong man listened to what i told him and then told me to bring my case in as they would need to see it to fill out a claim form, my husband took the case in that night when he came in from work, the girl on the desk refused to take it and said if she did she would be admitting the blame for damage she even went as far to say we damaged it ourselves after we left airport, there was not any signs that i seen to say we had to report it before we left airport, which we could do as we would have held everyone on bus back, i phoned the next day and spoke to same young man and told him what happened also we used 15mls of diesel driving in and paid £1.50 short stay and was told if his colleague would not accept it then he couldn't either so now i am out of pocket for my case and money for fuel and parking and all for nothing i am so ANGRY at the way we have been treated as they are practically calling us liars i mean to say they probably still have the handle and pieces of it in the airport at glasgow or malaga in spain.
Sophie Dia Pegrum April 20, 2010
Poor Customer Service
In the middle of all the volcanic activity, I am unable to fly to the UK to take my Easyjet flight to Barcelona. Instead of waiting for Easyjet to maybe or maybe not cancel the flight (in which case, I would receive a refund) I decided that I would cancel my booking myself, pay the cancellation fee and at least mitigate some of the financial damage. However. I cannot call from the customer service numbers from the United States and Easyjet doesnot provide an international number for US callers. As of today 4/20/2010, they don't even have a contact numbers page on their website. (perhaps they removed it due to all the people calling regarding the volcano.)

I cannot cancel my booking on the website, I can only change the flight, or change my name.

I cannot email Easyjet, as their login page boots me out, telling me that my login is invalid/cancelled, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE LOGGED IN to manage my booking.

So, due to Easyjet's inaccessibility, I cannot cancel my flight. Which means, that I will forfit the entire flight cost, as I only have until 2 hours before the departure to cancel it.

I am a web savvy, constant traveler and I find this kind of lack of customer service verging on criminal. I understand that with all the travel disruption that they are probably overwhelmed, but that does not excuse making themselves inaccessible to their paying customers.

Easyjet. Stop charging people to call you. Make your "Manage your booking" options online useful, and get an international phone number for your international customers.

I am so frustrated
Vidic15` April 8, 2010
Flight cancellation
I was to fly out with Easyjet on EZY 5385 on March 28, from Gatwick to Munich departing at 18:35 hours.

Several hours before the boards changed to indicate a estimated time of departure of 20:15 hours.

I enquired at the service desk inside departures and was informed this was due to a Europe wide Easyjet computer crash.

At 20:30 the flight was cancelled and we were escorted from the departures area back to the Easyjet desk near Check in.

We were handed our rights, but no further assistance was offered. We were informed that our options were to try and book onto the next available flight ourselves, but I needed to be in Munich at least by the 30th and the next available was the 31st.

I ended up paying STG 180 to fly with British Airways to fly the next morning. I had to then travel paying my own way to Heathrow and spent the night there.

All Easyjet offered was a possible hotel (there was no chance there would have been enough) given the amount of cancelled flights - but given I had to get to Heathrow this was of no use, given the Easyjet flights to Munich the next day were full.

Easyjet have only offered only the following:

Please be advised that I have processed a refund for your easyJet cancelled flight (GBP 100.99) and for the difference between BA and easyJet London-Munich flight (GBP 79.71).

This seems manifestly inadequate.

In line with Regulation 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 11 February 2004 I believe I am also entitled to further compensation.

Easyjet have denied this stating:

"To receive EU compensation, there must be certain criteria meet. If the flight is cancelled, passengers are entitled to EU Compensation except when easyJet can prove the cancellation is due to extraordinary circumstance which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken, including but not limited to Air traffic Control, Weather, Civil unrest, Terrorist alerts and Security alerts, Strike action, technical issues and unexpected flight safety shortcomings.
Our booking system has been affected by the unexpected failure, therefore none of the reservations could have been accessed. As a result, the flight was cancelled as we were unable to process the data of the passengers that were booked on your flight.

I am afraid that none of the passengers from your flight are entitled to the above mentioned compensation. "

I am of the belief Easyjet deliberately delayed my flight to Munich, having known full well there was a strong chance of cancellation (in fact they were checking in people manually still). Then knowing they have a ready made excuse of an airport curfew, they could knowingly get away without having to pay compensation.

Further help is needed if possible please!

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