I want to make the public aware of my experience with an ebay seller which goes by the name augleo74. I bought three products from the user. All a few days apart. One product took longer to be received than others. On the feedback I mentioned that the shipment was slow. The seller then posted a sarcastic comment in regards to my feedback. Then on the other products provided defamatory feedback unrelated to the items or issue at hand. A request to remove the feedback due to the user is retaliating against the one negative remark was sent to Ebay who stated they would not remove the feedback. Ebay does not care about the buyers experience and obviously not aware that without buyers their company wouldn't be active. They allow insulting comments to defile your feedback page and there only response is to provide a feedback to the comment received. NO ONE should have to fear posting THEIR experience with a seller in FEAR of retaliation!!! That is PROMOTING misleading information to the public! That person is not the only seller Ebay allows to terrorize customers treasure_in_florida, beeatchook, bookmarkthispage are just to name a few.
Here are some of the negative remarks.